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\newtheorem{observation}{Observation} \newtheorem{conjecture}{Conjecture} % Handy abbreviations \newcommand{\whp}[0]{w.h.p.\xspace} \newcommand{\ie}[0]{i.e.\xspace} \newcommand{\wrt}[0]{w.r.t.\xspace} % \abs and \norm hacks \DeclarePairedDelimiter\abs{\lvert}{\rvert} \makeatletter \let\oldabs\abs \def\abs{\@ifstar{\oldabs}{\oldabs*}} \let\oldnorm\norm \def\norm{\@ifstar{\oldnorm}{\oldnorm*}} \makeatother % TODO notes \newcommand{\todo}[1]{\textcolor{red}{\textbf{TODO:} #1}} \newcommand{\todoandre}[1]{\textcolor{green}{\textbf{TODO (André):} #1}} \newcommand{\todobent}[1]{\textcolor{blue}{\textbf{TODO (Bent):} #1}} % ugly hack \renewcommand{\paragraph}[1]{\textbf{#1}. } % ==================================== \title{\papertitle} %-------------SINGLE-AUTHOR HEADER STARTS (uncomment below if your paper has a single author)----------------------- % \affiliation{ % \paperauthorA \,\sthanks{This work was supported by the XYZ Foundation}} % {\href{https://scrime.u-bordeaux.fr}{SCRIME} \\ Université de Bordeaux, France \\ % {\tt \href{mailto:ping@linuxaudio.org}{ping@linuxaudio.org}} % } %-----------------------------------SINGLE-AUTHOR HEADER ENDS------------------------------------------------------ %---------------TWO-AUTHOR HEADER STARTS (uncomment below if your paper has two authors)----------------------- % \twoaffiliations{ % \paperauthorA % \, \sthanks{This work was supported by the XYZ Foundation} % } % {\href{https://drumgizmo.org}{DrumGizmo} \\ Saarbr\"ucken, Germany \\ % {\tt \href{mailto:andre.nusser@gmail.com}{andre.nusser@gmail.com}} % } % {\paperauthorB % \,\sthanks{This guy is a very good fellow} % } % {\href{https://drumgizmo.org}{DrumGizmo} \\ Aarhus, Denmark \\ % {\tt \href{mailto:deva@aasimon.org}{deva@aasimon.org}} % } %-------------------------------------TWO-AUTHOR HEADER ENDS------------------------------------------------------ %---------------THREE-AUTHOR HEADER STARTS (uncomment below if your paper has three authors)----------------------- % \threeaffiliations{ % \paperauthorA \,\sthanks{This work was supported by the XYZ Foundation}} % {\href{https://scrime.u-bordeaux.fr}{SCRIME} \\ Université de Bordeaux, France \\ % {\tt \href{mailto:ping@linuxaudio.org}{ping@linuxaudio.org}} % } % {\paperauthorB \,\sthanks{This guy is a very good fellow}} % {\href{https://ccrma.stanford.edu}{CCRMA} \\ Stanford University, USA \\ % {\tt \href{mailto:lac@ccrma.stanford.edu}{lac@ccrma.stanford.edu}} % } % {\paperauthorC \,\sthanks{Illustrious contributor}} % {\href{http://www.musikwissenschaft.uni-mainz.de/Musikinformatik/}{Johannes Gutenberg University (JGU)} \\ Mainz, Germany\\ % {\tt \href{mailto:lac@uni-mainz.de}{lac@uni-mainz.de}} % } %-------------------------------------THREE-AUTHOR HEADER ENDS------------------------------------------------------ %----------------FOUR-AUTHOR HEADER STARTS (uncomment below if your paper has four authors)----------------------- % \fouraffiliations{ % \paperauthorA \,\sthanks{This work was supported by the XYZ Foundation}} % {\href{https://scrime.u-bordeaux.fr}{SCRIME} \\ Université de Bordeaux, France \\ % {\tt \href{mailto:ping@linuxaudio.org}{ping@linuxaudio.org}} % } % {\paperauthorB \,\sthanks{This guy is a very good fellow}} % {\href{https://ccrma.stanford.edu}{CCRMA} \\ Stanford University, USA \\ % {\tt \href{mailto:lac@ccrma.stanford.edu}{lac@ccrma.stanford.edu}} % } % {\paperauthorC \,\sthanks{Illustrious contributor}} % {\href{http://www.musikwissenschaft.uni-mainz.de/Musikinformatik/}{Johannes Gutenberg University (JGU)} \\ Mainz, Germany\\ % {\tt \href{mailto:lac@uni-mainz.de}{lac@uni-mainz.de}} % } % {\paperauthorD \,\sthanks{Thanks to the predecessors for the templates}} % {\href{https://c-base.org/}{C-Base} \\ Berlin, Germany \\ % {\tt \href{mailto:lac@c-base.com}{lac@c-base.com}} % } %-------------------------------------FOUR-AUTHOR HEADER ENDS------------------------------------------------------ \begin{document} \maketitle \begin{abstract} \noindent Sampling drum kits well is a difficult and challenging task. Especially, building a drum kit sample bank with different velocity layers requires producing samples of very similar loudness, as changing the gain of a sample after recording makes it sound less natural. An approach that avoids this issue is to not categorize the samples in fixed groups but to simply calculate their loudness and then dynamically choose a sample, when a sample corresponding to e.g.\ a specific MIDI value is requested. We present a first investigation of algorithms doing this selection and discuss their advantages and disadvantages. The seemingly best candidate we implemented in DrumGizmo -- a FLOSS drum plugin -- and we do experiments on how our suggested algorithms perform on the samples drum kits. \end{abstract} \section{Introduction} \todoandre{Talk about the general problem of sample selection.} \todoandre{Limit scope to drums.} \todoandre{Talk about round robin.} \todoandre{Mention drawbacks.} \todoandre{Introduce high-level ideas of our work.} \todoandre{Make difference between humanization and sample selection clear.} \todo{Motivation: Make sure we have the following covered: Randomized samples, Prevent repetitions, Sample coverage (use all samples in the set).} \subsection{Related Work} \todo{I don't really know what to write, except about round robin. Is there any other common method or any academic literature? Are there other methods in open source programs?} %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \todobent{Discuss DGs old sampling algorithm briefly.} The evolution of the DrumGizmo sample selection engine: * Velocity groups with probabilities for randomization. The early versions of drumgizmo used a sample selection algorithm based on grouping of samples, each with a corresponding velocity range, with a number of audio files, each with a probability of being played in the group: {\tiny\begin{verbatim} ________________ _________________ / \ / uniformly random \ -- input note --> | group selector | -- group --> | sample selector | -- sample --> [0; 1] \________________/ \__________________/ \end{verbatim}} \todobent{Write this algorithm in psudocode syntax.} * StdDev/Mean based using measured power values of each sample Later a new algorithm was created using a normal distributed random number for the sample selection with the mean controlled by the input velocity and the stddev calculated on the number of samples in the instrument as well as their power span. {\tiny\begin{verbatim} stddev \ ________ _________________ / \ / nearest power \ -- input note --> | random | -- power --> | sample selector | -- sample --> [0; 1] \________/ \_________________/ \end{verbatim}} In order to make this new algorithm the power of each note must be specified in the instrument data. \todobent{Again, write this algorithm in psudocode syntax.} In both algorithms, to prevent the same sample to be selected twice in a row, a re-selection is being performed whenever the selected sample is the same as the last one selected up to a maximum number of times. This is being stored per instrument. %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \subsection{Our Contribution} To the best of our knowledge, this is the first academic article that deals with the issue of selecting samples from a set of samples with \enquote{continuous power values}. To this end, we first identify important aspects that sampling algorithms in this setting have to fulfill. After we formulate those requirements and formalize them to some degree, we present our algorithm based on those requirements, which is based on computation of a multi-criteria objective function. Consequently, we give an overview over an implementation of this approach and then conduct experiments to evaluate the actual quality. As reference implementation, we use the old method by DrumGizmo -- an open source drum machine. \section{Preliminaries} \todobent{Talk about how the drum kit samples are usually created; very briefly.} \todobent{Talk about loudness computation of samples.} \todo{Mathematical basics (if there are any important ones).} \todo{Formalize the setting, i.e.\ what is the input/output of our algorithm?} \subsection{Setting} We now describe the setting in which we want to choose the samples. We are given: \begin{itemize} \item a drum kit consisting of a set of instruments $I$ \item for each instrument $i \in I$, we are given an input sample set $S_i$ \item each sample $s \in S_i$ is already labeled with a power value $p_s \in \mathbb{R}^+$ \end{itemize} After reading the drum kit, requests of the form $(i, p) \in I \times \mathbb{R}^+$ arrive. We want to answer these requests by choosing the best sample from $S_i$ for the power value $p$. % \todoandre{Make terminology and notation clear and check for consistency in the document.} \subsection{Notation and Terminology} We use the following notation throughout this article. An \emph{instrument} is considered to be one of the drums of the drum kit that we sampled. A \emph{sample} (denoted by $s, s', \dots$) is recording of one hit on a specific instrument. Given a sample $s$, the \emph{power} of it (denoted by $p_s, p_s', \dots$) is the perceived loudness and can be expressed by any common loudness measure of an audio clip. If a power value is requested and does not correspond to a sample, we denote it by $p, p', \dots$. With the term \emph{velocity} (denoted by $v, v', \dots$), we refer to the attack velocity of a MIDI note and it is thus between 0 and 127. We consider time in a discretized way and thus a \emph{time point} is an integer value intuitively referring to the number of time steps passed since the beginning of time. For a sample $s$, we refer with $t_s$ to the time point at which the sample was played last. \section{Requirements} \label{sec:requirements} % \todoandre{Intuitively discuss the requirements of a good sampling algorithm.} We now discuss which requirements a good sampling algorithm intuitively has to fulfill. Such an algorithm has a tradeoff between two main objectives: choosing a sample which is close to the requested power value, while not choosing the same sample too close to the previous time it was used. Note that if we just want to be as close as possible to the requested power value, then we would always just choose the closest sample. However, if we now play a sequence of the same instrument at the same power level, then we play the same sample and thereby obtain a robotic sound. Thus, we want to find other samples that are not too far. % \todoandre{List the requirements one by one and discuss them. Try to formalize them in some way.} More concretely, we aim to fulfill the following requirements with our proposed algorithm. \begin{description} \item[Close Sample:] The chosen sample should be reasonably close to the requested power value, such that the listener perceives it as being played at the same velocity. \item[Avoid Same Samples:] When we have multiple samples to choose from we should always take one that was last played far enough in the past to avoid a robotic sound. \item[Randomization:] Furthermore, to avoid patterns (like e.g. in round robin, where exactly every $n$th hit sounds the same when we have $n$ samples in our velocity group), we want some randomization. \item[Locality:] If two samples have a very similar power value, they should also be treated similarly by the algorithm. In other words, locally, samples should have almost the same probability of being chosen. \end{description} We now formalize the requirements stated above. Let $p, p'$ be two power levels. We define their dissimilarity to simply be their distance $\abs{p - p'}$. Thus, if $p$ is the input power value and $p'$ is the power value of the chosen sample, we want to minimize the above term. Let $s$ be a sample and $t_s$ the time point it was played last. When we are now queried for a sample at time $t$, then for $s$ to be a good sample, we want $t - t_s$ to be reasonably high. Again, we just use the distance between the current time step and the last time step a sample was used. Randomization is difficult to formalize in a simple way in this context, thus, we simply require that for the same history, different outcomes of choosing a sample should be possible. The last requirement we also state in a more intuitive than formal way. Assume we are requested a sample for the power value $p$ and the two samples $s, s'$ have a very similar power value. Then, if we exchange $t_s$ and $t_{s'}$, the probability of choosing $s$ over $s'$ should be roughly the same as if we do not exchange them. \section{Algorithm} Before we start describing the approach that we decided for, let us first discuss other approaches that might seem promising at this point of the discussion. \todoandre{Also quickly discuss other alternative models that are following naturally from above observations; but wait until Bent wrote the related work part to make sure to be consistent with that.} % \todoandre{We have a multi-criteria optimization!} The requirements mentioned in Section \ref{sec:requirements} consist of several different objectives. Thus, we are dealing with a multi-objective optimization, where we have to somehow combine the different objectives into one. As we are dealing with an interactive setting where the quality of the solution of the optimization is determined by the user, it seems natural to make the algorithm parametrized and expose the parameters to the user. Using these parameters, the user can influence how the different objectives are weighted and thereby influence the final result, just having a very rough intuitive and non-technical understanding of the process. % \todoandre{Talk about the general idea of a potential function.} Following from the above description, we choose a single objective function that we optimize. This objective function consists of the terms described in Section \ref{sec:requirements} as well as the parameters that are factors in front of the requirements terms. We formulate our objective function such that smaller values are better and thus we end up with a minimization problem. Consequently, we just have to evaluate a single term on each sample and then pick the one which has the best value. % \todoandre{Introduce the potential function of the algorithm.} We now give the objective function. Let $p$ be the power that is requested. As before, for any sample $s$, let $t_s$ be the time at which $s$ was played last (the unit does not matter as it is parametrized by $\beta$ anyway), and let $r(s,t)$ be a random number generator producing numbers in the range $[0,1]$ uniformly and independently at random. Let $\alpha, \beta, \gamma > 0$ be the parameters that are later exposed to the user of the sample algorithm. Also, recall that $p_{\min}, p_{\max}$ is the minimal and maximal power value, respectively, and that $S$ is the sample rate, i.e., the number of time steps per second. At the current time $t$, we now want to find the sample $s$ minimizing the objective function \[ f(s, t) \coloneqq \alpha \cdot \left( \frac{p-p_s}{p_{\max} - p_{\min}}\right)^2 + \beta \cdot \left( 1 + \frac{t - t_s}{S}\right)^{-1} + \gamma \cdot r(s,t). \] Note that we have to ensure $t_s \neq t$ to avoid division by zero. % \todoandre{Talk about the single terms of the potential function.} Let us now consider the objective function in more detail. The objective function consists of three summands and we will have a closer look at them in order. The first summand, namely \[ \alpha \cdot \left( \frac{p-p_s}{p_{\max} - p_{\min}}\right)^2, \] is for expressing the distance of the sample's power value $p_s$ to the desired power value $p$. Instead of using the absolute value $\abs{p-p_s}$ as discussed in Section \ref{sec:requirements}, we first normalize the value to be in the range $[0,1]$ and then square it. By squaring, we put a significantly stronger penalty than the absolute value on samples whose power value is very far from the requested power value. Note that if we request a power value that lies in the middle of the power values of our sample set, then this term will maximally be around $\frac{1}{4}\alpha$. However, if $p = p_{\max}$ or $p = p_{\min}$, then we might obtain a value of $\alpha$. While this might seem unreasonable at first glance, we want to highlight that this indeed matches the desired behavior, because the penalty should be only dependent on the distance to the sample and not the possible worst case value it can attain. In other words, a bad choice should not be make to look better, if there are much worse choices possible. The second summand, namely \[ \beta \cdot \left( 1 + \frac{t - t_s}{S}\right)^{-1}, \] expresses how much time passed since we last played the sample for which we are currently evaluating the objective function. However, we want large values if little time passes and therefore we raise the whole term to the power of $-1$. To avoid extreme values, we add 1 to the normalized distance of the current time and the last time the sample was played. Note that if we would not have a \enquote{+1}, then for $t - t_s$ being very small, the values of this term would be huge and thus dominate the whole objective function. We normalize by the sample rate, as we want the time distance to be in seconds and not in samples. The third summand, namely \[ \gamma \cdot r(s,t), \] just adds some noise to the process to make it non-deterministic and thus avoid patterns in the selection as mentioned in Section \ref{sec:requirements}. % \todoandre{Maybe add some pseudo-code to make things easier to understand?} We already explained the core part of the sample selection algorithm. The remainder is now straight-forward. We simply evaluate the objective function for each sample and then pick the one with the smallest value. For completeness, Algorithm \ref{alg:sampling} shows the pseudo code for the sample selection algorithm. \begin{algorithm} \begin{algorithmic} \Require Requested power $p$, Instrument $i$, current time step $t$, parameters $\alpha, \beta, \gamma$, and array $\mathit{last}$ with the time points a sample has been played last \Ensure Sample $s$ \State $s = \text{undefined}$ \State $f_{\min} = \infty$ \For{$s' \in S_i$} \State $v \gets \alpha \cdot \left( \frac{p-p_{s'}}{p_{\max} - p_{\min}}\right)^2 + \beta \cdot \left( 1 + \frac{t - \mathit{last}[s']}{S}\right)^{-1} + \gamma \cdot r(s',t)$ \If{$v < f_{\min}$} \State $f_{\min} \gets v$ \State $s \gets s'$ \EndIf \EndFor \State $\mathit{last}[s] = t$ \State \Return $s$ \end{algorithmic} \caption{This is the high-level code of the sampling function.} \label{alg:sampling} \end{algorithm} Note that the worst-case complexity of evaluating the objective function is linear in the number of samples for the instrument that we are considering. However, in practice we can avoid evaluation for most samples by simply starting with the \enquote{most promising} sample and recursively evaluate the neighbors until the future possible evaluations cannot beat the currently best value. \section{Emulation Capabilities} \todo{Talk about which other algorithms we are a general case of, i.e., which algorithms can we emulate using the right power values and parameter settings.} \section{Implementation} \todobent{Give a short introduction to DrumGizmo, including a link to the git repository.} \todo{Talk about the timeline, i.e., when were the releases and what is still unreleased?} % \todoandre{Talk about how the sampling algorithm was implemented. What do we need to store?} The sampling algorithm itself did not require any particular implementation efforts. Most of the time was spent on the theoretical part of it. To give a better overview over the technicalities, we briefly list the information that needs to be stored. In a preprocessing phase, we compute $p_{\min}$ and $p_{\max}$ for each instrument and set all values of the $\mathit{last}$ arrays to 0. The power values of the samples are given by the drum kit in DrumGizmo. The parameters $\alpha, \beta, \gamma$ have default values that were determined experimentally. Each of them can be changed by the user, either interactively in the GUI or via the command line interface. % \todoandre{Add some of the source code to the paper?} As DrumGizmo is free software, the exact details of the implementation can be checked by everyone. % \todoandre{Give less important implementation details, e.g., like adaptive search starting from the most promising value} For instruments with reasonably small sample sets, simply iterating over all samples for the specific instrument as shown in Algorithm \ref{alg:sampling} is sufficiently performant. However, imagine an instrument with an extremenly large sample set. As DrumGizmo drum kits can be created by everyone, there is no restriction and we cannot assume a small sample size. To avoid performance issues arising from such a scenario, we employ a non-naive search by starting with the \enquote{most promising} sample and then inspecting its neighbors until the currently best sample is known to dominate the remaining samples. More concretely, we do the following: we start with the sample $s$ that has the closest power value $p_s$ to the requested power value $p$, i.e., we find $s$ that minimizes $\abs{p - p_s}$. The key observation why a local search often suffices is that we can lower bound the second and third summand of the objective function by 0. Thus, for a given sample $s$ and a time point $t$, we have \begin{equation}\label{eq:lower_bound} f(s,t) \geq \alpha \cdot \left( \frac{p-p_s}{p_{\max} - p_{\min}}\right)^2. \end{equation} Assume now that, for some $x > 0$, we evaluated all samples $s$ with $p-x \leq p_s \leq p+x$. Then we know, by Equation \ref{eq:lower_bound}, that for all samples $s'$ with power values outside the range $[p-x, p+x]$ it holds that \[ f(s',t) > \alpha \cdot \left( \frac{x}{p_{\max} - p_{\min}}\right)^2. \] Note that by traversing the samples in order of their distance to $p$ (which is possible by having the samples stored in an array sorted increasingly by power value), we can stop the search as soon we searched the range $[p-x, p+x]$ for which \[ f_{\min} < \alpha \cdot \left( \frac{x}{p_{\max} - p_{\min}}\right)^2. \] \section{Experiments} \todoandre{Talk about the setup.} \todoandre{Talk about what the experiments should show: two close samples are chosen similarly often; playing the same MIDI note plays a reasonably varied sample set; average distance of one sample} \todoandre{Experiments are: playing fast sweeps (with multiple hits per velocity); playing a single note over and over again at the same velocity; sound examples that people can listen to online?} \todoandre{Do beautiful tables and plots here} \todoandre{Also do an experiment regarding the adaptive search} \todoandre{Summarize experiments} \section{Conclusion and Future Work} \todoandre{Recapitulate what was done in this paper. Highlight some of the difficulties and surprises.} \todoandre{List future work: transforming the loudness space; refine the objective function; adapt algorithm to other instruments/settings; study to see what sounds good to people and do they actually hear the difference?} % \section{Acknowledgements} % \todo{Thank people for testing?} % \todo{Thank people for proof-reading?} %\newpage \nocite{*} \bibliographystyle{IEEEbib} \bibliography{LAC-20} % requires file lac-20.bib \end{document}