path: root/dgedit/
diff options
authorBent Bisballe Nyeng <>2014-10-12 21:19:48 +0200
committerBent Bisballe Nyeng <>2014-10-12 21:19:48 +0200
commitadc6d371af2cf356578fee6be0711d6db7f31288 (patch)
tree969a2b081f5089168a798dd945a8e0b287d02f8d /dgedit/
parentfafc815d3b2f525e703ab9482a008201097ab90d (diff)
parent32d9c872e7abdaedb497e7403a44470676838ecb (diff)
Merge in from master.
Diffstat (limited to 'dgedit/')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 561 deletions
diff --git a/dgedit/ b/dgedit/
deleted file mode 100644
index 0f9f833..0000000
--- a/dgedit/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,561 +0,0 @@
-/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 2; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 2 -*- */
- *
- *
- * Tue Nov 10 10:21:04 CET 2009
- * Copyright 2009 Bent Bisballe Nyeng
- *
- ****************************************************************************/
- * This file is part of DrumGizmo.
- *
- * DrumGizmo is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
- * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
- * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
- * (at your option) any later version.
- *
- * DrumGizmo is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- * GNU General Public License for more details.
- *
- * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- * along with DrumGizmo; if not, write to the Free Software
- * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA.
- */
-#include "mainwindow.h"
-#include <QHBoxLayout>
-#include <QVBoxLayout>
-#include <QPushButton>
-#include <QLabel>
-#include <QStatusBar>
-#include <QApplication>
-#include <QDockWidget>
-#include <QSettings>
-#include <QToolBar>
-#include <QAction>
-#include <QMenuBar>
-#include <QFileDialog>
-#include <QIntValidator>
-#include <QTabWidget>
-#include <QProgressBar>
-#include <QTime>
-#include <QSpinBox>
-#include "sleep.h"
-#include "canvastool.h"
-#include "canvastoolthreshold.h"
-#include "volumefader.h"
-#include "selectioneditor.h"
-#define MAXVAL 10000000L
-#define SINGLESTEP MAXVAL/100000
-#define PAGESTEP MAXVAL/10000
-static void addTool(QToolBar *toolbar, Canvas *canvas, CanvasTool *tool)
- QAction *action = new QAction(tool->name(), toolbar);
- action->setCheckable(true);
- toolbar->addAction(action);
- tool->connect(action, SIGNAL(toggled(bool)), tool, SLOT(setActive(bool)));
- tool->setActive(false);
- canvas->tools.push_back(tool);
- {
- int start = 44100 * 60;
- Selection p(start, start + 44100 * 60, 0, 0); // one minute selection
- selections_preview.add(p);
- }
- QWidget *central = new QWidget();
- QHBoxLayout *lh = new QHBoxLayout();
- QVBoxLayout *lv = new QVBoxLayout();
- central->setLayout(lv);
- setCentralWidget(central);
- extractor = new AudioExtractor(selections, this);
- canvas = new Canvas(this);
- QToolBar *toolbar = addToolBar("Tools");
- listen = new CanvasToolListen(canvas, player);
- addTool(toolbar, canvas, listen);
- threshold = new CanvasToolThreshold(canvas);
- canvas->tools.push_back(threshold);//addTool(toolbar, canvas, threshold);
- tool_selections = new CanvasToolSelections(canvas, selections,
- selections_preview);
- connect(threshold, SIGNAL(thresholdChanged(double)),
- tool_selections, SLOT(thresholdChanged(double)));
- connect(threshold, SIGNAL(thresholdChanging(double)),
- tool_selections, SLOT(thresholdChanged(double)));
- connect(&selections, SIGNAL(activeChanged(sel_id_t)),
- canvas, SLOT(update()));
- connect(&selections, SIGNAL(updated(sel_id_t)),
- canvas, SLOT(update()));
- addTool(toolbar, canvas, tool_selections);
- QMenu *fileMenu = menuBar()->addMenu("&File");
- QAction *act_quit = new QAction("&Quit", this);
- fileMenu->addAction(act_quit);
- connect(act_quit, SIGNAL(triggered()), this, SLOT(close()));
- // QWidget *dock = new QWidget();
- yoffset = new QScrollBar(Qt::Vertical);
- yoffset->setRange(0, MAXVAL);
- yoffset->setPageStep(PAGESTEP);
- yoffset->setSingleStep(SINGLESTEP);
- connect(yoffset, SIGNAL(valueChanged(int)), this, SLOT(setYOffset(int)));
- yscale = new QScrollBar(Qt::Vertical);
- yscale->setRange(0, MAXVAL);
- yscale->setPageStep(PAGESTEP);
- yscale->setSingleStep(SINGLESTEP);
- connect(yscale, SIGNAL(valueChanged(int)), this, SLOT(setYScale(int)));
- xscale = new QScrollBar(Qt::Horizontal);
- xscale->setRange(0, MAXVAL);
- xscale->setPageStep(PAGESTEP);
- xscale->setSingleStep(SINGLESTEP);
- connect(xscale, SIGNAL(valueChanged(int)), this, SLOT(setXScale(int)));
- xoffset = new QScrollBar(Qt::Horizontal);
- xoffset->setRange(0, MAXVAL);
- xoffset->setPageStep(PAGESTEP);
- xoffset->setSingleStep(SINGLESTEP);
- connect(xoffset, SIGNAL(valueChanged(int)), this, SLOT(setXOffset(int)));
- sorter = new SampleSorter(selections, selections_preview);
- connect(&selections, SIGNAL(added(sel_id_t)),
- sorter, SLOT(addSelection(sel_id_t)));
- connect(&selections_preview, SIGNAL(added(sel_id_t)),
- sorter, SLOT(addSelectionPreview(sel_id_t)));
- connect(&selections, SIGNAL(updated(sel_id_t)), sorter, SLOT(relayout()));
- connect(&selections_preview, SIGNAL(updated(sel_id_t)),
- sorter, SLOT(relayout()));
- connect(&selections, SIGNAL(removed(sel_id_t)), sorter, SLOT(relayout()));
- connect(&selections_preview, SIGNAL(removed(sel_id_t)),
- sorter, SLOT(relayout()));
- connect(&selections, SIGNAL(activeChanged(sel_id_t)),
- sorter, SLOT(relayout()));
- QPushButton *btn_playsamples = new QPushButton("Play samples");
- connect(btn_playsamples, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(playSamples()));
- sb_playsamples = new QScrollBar(Qt::Horizontal);
- sb_playsamples->setRange(100, 4000); // ms
- lh->addWidget(canvas);
- lh->addWidget(yscale);
- lh->addWidget(yoffset);
- lv->addLayout(lh, 100);
- lv->addWidget(xscale, 100);
- lv->addWidget(xoffset, 100);
- lv->addWidget(sorter, 15);
- lv->addWidget(btn_playsamples);
- lv->addWidget(sb_playsamples);
- QDockWidget *dockWidget = new QDockWidget(tr("Dock Widget"), this);
- dockWidget->setAllowedAreas(Qt::LeftDockWidgetArea | Qt::RightDockWidgetArea);
- dockWidget->setWidget(new QWidget());
- dockWidget->widget()->setLayout(new QVBoxLayout());
-// dockWidget->widget()->layout()->addWidget(new QLabel("Presets:"));
-// presets = new QComboBox();
-// connect(presets, SIGNAL(currentIndexChanged(int)),
-// this, SLOT(setPreset(int)));
-// dockWidget->widget()->layout()->addWidget(presets);
- tabs = new QTabWidget(this);
- tabs->addTab(createFilesTab(), "Files");
- generateTabId = tabs->addTab(createGenerateTab(), "Generate");
- tabs->addTab(createEditTab(), "Edit");
- tabs->addTab(createExportTab(), "Export");
- connect(tabs, SIGNAL(currentChanged(int)), this, SLOT(tabChanged(int)));
- tabChanged(tabs->currentIndex());
- dockWidget->widget()->layout()->addWidget(tabs);
- VolumeFader *vol = new VolumeFader();
- connect(vol, SIGNAL(volumeChangedDb(double)),
- &player, SLOT(setGainDB(double)));
- connect(&player, SIGNAL(peakUpdate(double)),
- vol, SLOT(updatePeakPower(double)));
-// connect(&player, SIGNAL(peakUpdateDB(double)),
-// vol, SLOT(updatePeakDb(double)));
- vol->setVolumeDb(0);
- dockWidget->widget()->layout()->addWidget(vol);
- addDockWidget(Qt::LeftDockWidgetArea, dockWidget);
- yscale->setValue(MAXVAL);
- yoffset->setValue(MAXVAL/2);
- xscale->setValue(0);
- xoffset->setValue(0);
- loadSettings();
- QSettings settings("presets.ini", QSettings::IniFormat);
- QStringList list = settings.childGroups();
- for(int i = 0; i != list.size(); i++) {
- QString presetname =;
- Preset p;
- settings.beginGroup(presetname);
- p.prefix = settings.value("prefix", "unknown").toString();
- p.attacklength = settings.value("attacklength", 0).toInt();
- p.falloff = settings.value("falloff", 0).toInt();
- p.fadelength = settings.value("fadelength", 0).toInt();
- settings.endGroup();
- QVariant v;
- v.setValue(p);
- presets->addItem(presetname, v);
- }
- statusBar()->showMessage("Ready");
-void MainWindow::tabChanged(int tabid)
- tool_selections->setShowPreview(tabid == generateTabId);
- sorter->setShowPreview(tabid == generateTabId);
- tool_selections->autoCreateSelectionsPreview();
- threshold->setActive(tabid == generateTabId);
-QWidget *MainWindow::createFilesTab()
- QWidget *w = new QWidget();
- QVBoxLayout *l = new QVBoxLayout();
- w->setLayout(l);
- l->addWidget(new QLabel("Files: (double-click to set as master)"));
- QPushButton *loadbtn = new QPushButton();
- loadbtn->setText("Add files...");
- l->addWidget(loadbtn);
- filelist = new FileList();
- connect(filelist, SIGNAL(masterFileChanged(QString)),
- this, SLOT(loadFile(QString)));
- connect(loadbtn, SIGNAL(clicked()), filelist, SLOT(addFiles()));
- connect(filelist, SIGNAL(fileAdded(QString, QString)),
- extractor, SLOT(addFile(QString, QString)));
- connect(filelist, SIGNAL(fileRemoved(QString, QString)),
- extractor, SLOT(removeFile(QString, QString)));
- connect(filelist, SIGNAL(nameChanged(QString, QString)),
- extractor, SLOT(changeName(QString, QString)));
- l->addWidget(filelist);
- return w;
-QWidget *MainWindow::createEditTab()
- SelectionEditor *se = new SelectionEditor(selections);
- connect(&selections, SIGNAL(added(sel_id_t)), se, SLOT(added(sel_id_t)));
- connect(&selections, SIGNAL(updated(sel_id_t)), se, SLOT(updated(sel_id_t)));
- connect(&selections, SIGNAL(removed(sel_id_t)), se, SLOT(removed(sel_id_t)));
- connect(&selections, SIGNAL(activeChanged(sel_id_t)),
- se, SLOT(activeChanged(sel_id_t)));
- return se;
-QSlider *createAttribute(QWidget *parent, QString name,
- int range_from, int range_to)
- QSlider *slider;
- QGridLayout *l = new QGridLayout();
- l->addWidget(new QLabel(name), 0, 0, 1, 2);
- QSpinBox *spin = new QSpinBox();
- spin->setRange(range_from, range_to);
- l->addWidget(spin, 1, 0, 1, 1);
- slider = new QSlider(Qt::Horizontal);
- slider->setRange(range_from, range_to);
- l->addWidget(slider, 1, 1, 1,1);
- QObject::connect(spin, SIGNAL(valueChanged(int)),
- slider, SLOT(setValue(int)));
- QObject::connect(slider, SIGNAL(valueChanged(int)),
- spin, SLOT(setValue(int)));
- ((QBoxLayout *)parent->layout())->addLayout(l);
- return slider;
-QWidget *MainWindow::createGenerateTab()
- QWidget *w = new QWidget();
- QVBoxLayout *l = new QVBoxLayout();
- w->setLayout(l);
- QHBoxLayout *btns = new QHBoxLayout();
- QPushButton *autosel = new QPushButton();
- autosel->setText("Generate");
- connect(autosel, SIGNAL(clicked()),
- tool_selections, SLOT(clearSelections()));
- connect(autosel, SIGNAL(clicked()),
- tool_selections, SLOT(autoCreateSelections()));
- connect(threshold, SIGNAL(thresholdChanged(double)),
- tool_selections, SLOT(autoCreateSelectionsPreview()));
- connect(threshold, SIGNAL(thresholdChanging(double)),
- tool_selections, SLOT(autoCreateSelectionsPreview()));
- QPushButton *clearsel = new QPushButton();
- clearsel->setText("Clear");
- connect(clearsel, SIGNAL(clicked()),
- tool_selections, SLOT(clearSelections()));
- btns->addWidget(autosel);
- btns->addWidget(clearsel);
- l->addLayout(btns);
- slider_attacklength = createAttribute(w, "Attack length:", 10, 1000);
- connect(slider_attacklength, SIGNAL(valueChanged(int)),
- sorter, SLOT(setAttackLength(int)));
- connect(slider_attacklength, SIGNAL(valueChanged(int)),
- tool_selections, SLOT(autoCreateSelectionsPreview()));
- slider_attacklength->setValue(300);
- slider_hold = createAttribute(w, "Minimum size (samples):", 0, 200000);
- connect(slider_hold, SIGNAL(valueChanged(int)),
- tool_selections, SLOT(holdChanged(int)));
- connect(slider_hold, SIGNAL(valueChanged(int)),
- tool_selections, SLOT(autoCreateSelectionsPreview()));
- slider_hold->setValue(100);
- slider_falloff = createAttribute(w, "Falloff:", 10, 5000);
- connect(slider_falloff, SIGNAL(valueChanged(int)),
- tool_selections, SLOT(noiseFloorChanged(int)));
- connect(slider_falloff, SIGNAL(valueChanged(int)),
- tool_selections, SLOT(autoCreateSelectionsPreview()));
- slider_falloff->setValue(300);
- slider_fadelength = createAttribute(w, "Fadelength:", 0, 2000);
- connect(slider_fadelength, SIGNAL(valueChanged(int)),
- tool_selections, SLOT(fadeoutChanged(int)));
- connect(slider_fadelength, SIGNAL(valueChanged(int)),
- tool_selections, SLOT(autoCreateSelectionsPreview()));
- slider_fadelength->setValue(666);
- l->addStretch();
- return w;
-QWidget *MainWindow::createExportTab()
- QWidget *w = new QWidget();
- QVBoxLayout *l = new QVBoxLayout();
- w->setLayout(l);
- l->addWidget(new QLabel("Prefix:"));
- prefix = new QLineEdit();
- connect(prefix, SIGNAL(textChanged(const QString &)),
- extractor, SLOT(setOutputPrefix(const QString &)));
- l->addWidget(prefix);
- l->addWidget(new QLabel("Export path:"));
- QHBoxLayout *lo_exportp = new QHBoxLayout();
- lineed_exportp = new QLineEdit();
- connect(lineed_exportp, SIGNAL(textChanged(const QString &)),
- extractor, SLOT(setExportPath(const QString &)));
- lo_exportp->addWidget(lineed_exportp);
- QPushButton *btn_browse = new QPushButton("...");
- connect(btn_browse, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(browse()));
- lo_exportp->addWidget(btn_browse);
- l->addLayout(lo_exportp);
- QPushButton *exportsel = new QPushButton();
- exportsel->setText("Export");
- connect(exportsel, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(doExport()));
- l->addWidget(exportsel);
- QProgressBar *bar = new QProgressBar();
- connect(extractor, SIGNAL(progressUpdate(int)), bar, SLOT(setValue(int)));
- connect(extractor, SIGNAL(setMaximumProgress(int)),
- bar, SLOT(setMaximum(int)));
- l->addWidget(bar);
- l->addStretch();
- return w;
-void MainWindow::playSamples()
- Selections *sels = &selections;
- if(tabs->currentIndex() == generateTabId) sels = &selections_preview;
- QVector<sel_id_t> ids = sels->ids();
- for(int v1 = 0; v1 < ids.size(); v1++) {
- for(int v2 = 0; v2 < ids.size(); v2++) {
- Selection sel1 = sels->get(ids[v1]);
- Selection sel2 = sels->get(ids[v2]);
- if( < {
- sel_id_t vtmp = ids[v1];
- ids[v1] = ids[v2];
- ids[v2] = vtmp;
- }
- }
- }
- QVector<sel_id_t>::iterator i = ids.begin();
- while(i != ids.end()) {
- Selection sel = sels->get(*i);
- unsigned int length = sb_playsamples->value() * 44100 / 1000;
- unsigned int sample_length = - sel.from;
- unsigned int to =;
- if(sample_length > length) to = sel.from + length;
- sels->setActive(*i);
- connect(&player, SIGNAL(positionUpdate(size_t)),
- listen, SLOT(update(size_t)));
- player.playSelection(sel, to - sel.from);
- QTime t;
- t.start();
- while(t.elapsed() < sb_playsamples->value()) {
- qApp->processEvents();
- q_usleep(25 * 1000);
- }
- player.stop();
- disconnect(&player, SIGNAL(positionUpdate(size_t)),
- listen, SLOT(update(size_t)));
- i++;
- }
-void MainWindow::closeEvent(QCloseEvent *)
- saveSettings();
- QApplication::quit();
-void MainWindow::loadSettings()
- QSettings settings;
- settings.beginGroup("MainWindow");
- lineed_exportp->setText(settings.value("exportpath", "").toString());
- filelist->path = settings.value("loadpath", "").toString();
- resize(settings.value("size", QSize(700, 800)).toSize());
- move(settings.value("pos", QPoint(0, 0)).toPoint());
- settings.endGroup();
-void MainWindow::saveSettings()
- QSettings settings;
- settings.beginGroup("MainWindow");
- settings.setValue("loadpath", filelist->path);
- settings.setValue("exportpath", lineed_exportp->text());
- settings.setValue("size", size());
- settings.setValue("pos", pos());
- settings.endGroup();
-void MainWindow::setXScale(int sz)
- // range 0.0 - 1.0
- float val = (float)(sz * -1 + MAXVAL)/(float)MAXVAL;
- canvas->setXScale(val);
- if(val < 0.001) val = 0.001;
- xoffset->setPageStep(PAGESTEP * 10 * val);
- xoffset->setSingleStep(SINGLESTEP * 10 * val);
-void MainWindow::setYScale(int sz)
- // range 0.0 - 1.0
- float val = (float)(sz * -1 + MAXVAL)/(float)MAXVAL;
- canvas->setYScale(val);
-void MainWindow::setXOffset(int of)
- // range 0.0 - 1.0
- float val = (float)of/(float)MAXVAL;
- canvas->setXOffset(val);
-void MainWindow::setYOffset(int of)
- // range 0.0 - 1.0
- float val = (float)(of * -1 + MAXVAL)/(float)MAXVAL;
- canvas->setYOffset(val);
-void MainWindow::doExport()
- extractor->exportSelections();
-void MainWindow::loadFile(QString filename)
- setCursor(Qt::WaitCursor);
- statusBar()->showMessage("Loading...");
- qApp->processEvents();
- sorter->setWavData(NULL, 0);
- player.setPcmData(NULL, 0);
- canvas->load(filename);
- sorter->setWavData(canvas->data, canvas->size);
- player.setPcmData(canvas->data, canvas->size);
- statusBar()->showMessage("Ready");
- setCursor(Qt::ArrowCursor);
-void MainWindow::setPreset(int index)
- /*
- QVariant v = presets->itemData(index);
- Preset p = v.value<Preset>();
- slider_attacklength->setValue(p.attacklength);
- slider_falloff->setValue(p.falloff);
- slider_fadelength->setValue(p.fadelength);
- prefix->setText(p.prefix);
- */
-void MainWindow::browse() {
- QString path = QFileDialog::getExistingDirectory(this, "Select export path",
- lineed_exportp->text());
- lineed_exportp->setText(path);