path: root/plugingui/
diff options
authorBent Bisballe Nyeng <>2015-10-08 07:30:10 +0200
committerBent Bisballe Nyeng <>2015-10-08 07:30:10 +0200
commit02f78d5eb03670bc07f615ad629e1ec03959be14 (patch)
tree544ce15e8aabd0b9ae4b59221db040d8ab9e7170 /plugingui/
parentf8740b3195bdff33d11d4cd23cdd791aec175c5c (diff)
Refactored EventHandler and friends.
Diffstat (limited to 'plugingui/')
1 files changed, 166 insertions, 152 deletions
diff --git a/plugingui/ b/plugingui/
index cec5fab..e47cbf5 100644
--- a/plugingui/
+++ b/plugingui/
@@ -29,166 +29,180 @@
#include "window.h"
#include "painter.h"
-GUI::EventHandler::EventHandler(GUI::NativeWindow *n, GUI::Window *w)
- native = n;
- window = w;
+namespace GUI {
- last_click = 0;
- last_was_dbl_click = false;
+EventHandler::EventHandler(NativeWindow *nativeWindow, Window *window)
+ : window(window)
+ , nativeWindow(nativeWindow)
+// , last_click(0)
+ , lastWasDoubleClick(false)
-bool GUI::EventHandler::hasEvent()
+bool EventHandler::hasEvent()
- return native->hasEvent();
+ return nativeWindow->hasEvent();
-GUI::Event *GUI::EventHandler::getNextEvent()
+Event *EventHandler::getNextEvent()
- return native->getNextEvent();
+ return nativeWindow->getNextEvent();
-void GUI::EventHandler::registerCloseHandler(void (*handler)(void *), void *ptr)
+void EventHandler::processEvents()
- this->closeHandler = handler;
- this->closeHandlerPtr = ptr;
+ while(hasEvent())
+ {
+ Painter p(window); // Make sure we only redraw buffer one time.
+ auto event = getNextEvent();
+ if(event == nullptr)
+ {
+ continue;
+ }
+ switch(event->type()) {
+ case Event::Repaint:
+ window->redraw();
+ break;
+ case Event::Resize:
+ {
+ auto resizeEvent = static_cast<ResizeEvent*>(event);
+ if((resizeEvent->width != window->width()) ||
+ (resizeEvent->height != window->height()))
+ {
+ window->resized(resizeEvent->width, resizeEvent->height);
+ }
+ }
+ break;
+ case Event::MouseMove:
+ {
+ auto moveEvent = static_cast<MouseMoveEvent*>(event);
+ auto widget = window->find(moveEvent->x, moveEvent->y);
+ auto oldwidget = window->mouseFocus();
+ if(widget != oldwidget)
+ {
+ // Send focus leave to oldwidget
+ if(oldwidget)
+ {
+ oldwidget->mouseLeaveEvent();
+ }
+ // Send focus enter to widget
+ if(widget)
+ {
+ widget->mouseEnterEvent();
+ }
+ window->setMouseFocus(widget);
+ }
+ if(window->buttonDownFocus())
+ {
+ auto widget = window->buttonDownFocus();
+ moveEvent->x -= widget->windowX();
+ moveEvent->y -= widget->windowY();
+ window->buttonDownFocus()->mouseMoveEvent(moveEvent);
+ break;
+ }
+ if(widget)
+ {
+ moveEvent->x -= widget->windowX();
+ moveEvent->y -= widget->windowY();
+ widget->mouseMoveEvent(moveEvent);
+ }
+ }
+ break;
+ case Event::Button:
+ {
+ if(lastWasDoubleClick)
+ {
+ lastWasDoubleClick = false;
+ continue;
+ }
+ auto buttonEvent = static_cast<ButtonEvent*>(event);
+ lastWasDoubleClick = buttonEvent->doubleclick;
+ auto widget = window->find(buttonEvent->x, buttonEvent->y);
+ if(window->buttonDownFocus())
+ {
+ if(buttonEvent->direction == ButtonEvent::Up)
+ {
+ auto widget = window->buttonDownFocus();
+ buttonEvent->x -= widget->windowX();
+ buttonEvent->y -= widget->windowY();
+ widget->buttonEvent(buttonEvent);
+ break;
+ }
+ else // Event::Button::Down
+ {
+ window->setButtonDownFocus(nullptr);
+ }
+ }
+ if(widget)
+ {
+ buttonEvent->x -= widget->windowX();
+ buttonEvent->y -= widget->windowY();
+ widget->buttonEvent(buttonEvent);
+ if((buttonEvent->direction == ButtonEvent::Down) &&
+ widget->catchMouse())
+ {
+ window->setButtonDownFocus(widget);
+ }
+ if(widget->isFocusable())
+ {
+ window->setKeyboardFocus(widget);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ break;
+ case Event::Scroll:
+ {
+ auto scrollEvent = static_cast<ScrollEvent*>(event);
+ auto widget = window->find(scrollEvent->x, scrollEvent->y);
+ if(widget)
+ {
+ scrollEvent->x -= widget->windowX();
+ scrollEvent->y -= widget->windowY();
+ widget->scrollEvent(scrollEvent);
+ }
+ }
+ break;
+ case Event::Key:
+ {
+ auto keyEvent = static_cast<KeyEvent*>(event);
+ if(window->keyboardFocus())
+ {
+ window->keyboardFocus()->keyEvent(keyEvent);
+ }
+ }
+ break;
+ case Event::Close:
+ closeNotifier();
+ break;
+ }
+ delete event;
+ }
-void GUI::EventHandler::processEvents()
- while(hasEvent()) {
- Painter p(window); // Make sure we only redraw buffer one time.
- Event *event = getNextEvent();
- if(event == NULL) continue;
- // Widget *widget = gctx->widgets[event->window_id];
- switch(event->type()) {
- case Event::Repaint:
- // window->repaint((RepaintEvent*)event);
- window->redraw();
- break;
- case Event::Resize:
- {
- // window->repaint((RepaintEvent*)event)
- ResizeEvent *re = (ResizeEvent*)event;
- if(re->width != window->width() || re->height != window->height()) {
- window->resized(re->width, re->height);
- //window->repaint_r(NULL);
- }
- }
- break;
- case Event::MouseMove:
- {
- MouseMoveEvent *me = (MouseMoveEvent*)event;
- Widget *w = window->find(me->x, me->y);
- Widget *oldw = window->mouseFocus();
- if(w != oldw) {
- // Send focus leave to oldw
- if(oldw) oldw->mouseLeaveEvent();
- // Send focus enter to w
- if(w) w->mouseEnterEvent();
- window->setMouseFocus(w);
- }
- if(window->buttonDownFocus()) {
- Widget *w = window->buttonDownFocus();
- /*
- if(me->x < w->x()) me->x = w->x();
- if(me->x > w->x() + w->width()) me->x = w->x() + w->width();
- if(me->y < w->y()) me->y = w->y();
- if(me->y > w->y() + w->height()) me->y = w->y() + w->height();
- */
- me->x -= w->windowX();
- me->y -= w->windowY();
- window->buttonDownFocus()->mouseMoveEvent(me);
- break;
- }
- if(w) {
- me->x -= w->windowX();
- me->y -= w->windowY();
- w->mouseMoveEvent(me);
- }
- }
- break;
- case Event::Button:
- {
- if(last_was_dbl_click) {
- last_was_dbl_click = false;
- continue;
- }
- ButtonEvent *be = (ButtonEvent *)event;
- last_was_dbl_click = be->doubleclick;
- Widget *w = window->find(be->x, be->y);
- if(window->buttonDownFocus()) {
- if(be->direction == -1) {
- Widget *w = window->buttonDownFocus();
- /*
- if(be->x < w->x()) be->x = w->x();
- if(be->x > w->x() + w->width()) be->x = w->x() + w->width();
- if(be->y < w->y()) be->y = w->y();
- if(be->y > w->y() + w->height()) be->y = w->y() + w->height();
- */
- be->x -= w->windowX();
- be->y -= w->windowY();
- w->buttonEvent(be);
- break;
- } else {
- window->setButtonDownFocus(NULL);
- }
- }
- if(w) {
- be->x -= w->windowX();
- be->y -= w->windowY();
- w->buttonEvent(be);
- if(be->direction == 1) {
- if(w->catchMouse()) window->setButtonDownFocus(w);
- }
- if(w->isFocusable()) window->setKeyboardFocus(w);
- }
- }
- break;
- case Event::Scroll:
- {
- ScrollEvent *se = (ScrollEvent *)event;
- Widget *w = window->find(se->x, se->y);
- //printf("scroller (%d,%d) %p\n", se->x, se->y, w);
- if(w) {
- se->x -= w->windowX();
- se->y -= w->windowY();
- w->scrollEvent(se);
- }
- }
- break;
- case Event::Key:
- // window->key((KeyEvent*)event);
- // lineedit->keyEvent((KeyEvent*)event);
- if(window->keyboardFocus())
- window->keyboardFocus()->keyEvent((KeyEvent*)event);
- break;
- case Event::Close:
- if(closeHandler) closeHandler(closeHandlerPtr);
- //delete window;
- //window = NULL;
- break;
- }
- delete event;
- }
+} // GUI::