Installation Instructions
NOTE1: Certain audio-centric Linux distros such as KxStudio has DrumGizmo
included in the repository. To install it on such systems, use the distros
package manager, search for it and install it. Please refer to each distro's
documentation for detailed instructions on how to do this.

NOTE2: Be aware that if you are planning on running the LV2 plugin from within
one of the binary releases of Ardour, you must make sure that drumgizmo is using
the same version of libpng, pthread and expat as Ardour was compiled with (or
at least versions matching the ABI), otherwise the plugin will show strange
behaviour or even crash upon load.

Compiling and Installing on linux (LV2)
This guide will show you how to unpack, compile and install the lv2 version
of the drumgizmo plugin. It will also show how to make it usable for the LV2
host Ardour3.

* lv2-devel package >= 1.0
* libsndfile-devel >= 1.0.21
* zita-resampler-devel (no minimal version specified)
* libexpat-devel (no minimal version specified)
* pkg-config >= 0.23
* Xlib >= 1.0
* libpng >= 1.2
* libsmf (no minimal version specified)
* pthread (no minimal version specified)
* libcppunit-dev (only necessary when compiling from git sources)

Compiling source tarball
$ tar xvzf drumgizmo-[version].tar.gz (you probably already did this)
$ cd drumgizmo-[version]
$ ./configure --prefix=$PWD/install --enable-lv2
$ make
$ make install

Compiling from git sources
$ git clone
$ git submodule init
$ git submodule update
$ ./
$ ./configure --prefix=$PWD/install --enable-lv2

If you want to compile only the LV2 parts of the plugin use
'--disable-editor --disable-cli' as additional parameters to the configure

Now compile and install
$ make
$ make install

Installing for use with Ardour3
When the make install step has been successfully performed the source directory
will contain a folder named install. In this folder the:


... is located. This folder contain all the files needed for the plugin to run.
In order to make it work with Ardour3, either copy this directory to the lv2
plugin dir (usually /usr/lib/lv2) or create a symbolic link to the directory

$ ln -s [dg path]/install/lib/lv2/drumgizmo.lv2 /usr/lib/lv2/drumgizmo.lv2

You need to be root to do this. Keep in mind that the lv2 directory differs from
distro to distro, so do a search for it in order to verify the correct location.