# Filename: configure.in AC_INIT([drumgizmo], m4_esyscmd([cat version.h | cut -d'"' -f2 | xargs echo -n]))dnl" AC_CONFIG_SRCDIR([src/drumgizmo.cc]) AM_INIT_AUTOMAKE AC_PROG_CXX #AM_PROG_CC_C_O AC_PROG_LIBTOOL AM_PROG_LIBTOOL AM_CONFIG_HEADER(config.h) AC_STDC_HEADERS need_jack=no dnl ====================== dnl Init pkg-config dnl ====================== PKG_PROG_PKG_CONFIG(0.23) HUGIN_PARM="-DDISABLE_HUGIN" AC_ARG_WITH(debug, [ --with-debug Build with debug support]) if test x$with_debug == xyes; then AC_MSG_WARN([*** Building with debug support!]) CXXFLAGS="$CXXFLAGS -Wall -Werror -g" HUGIN_PARM="" fi CXXFLAGS="$CXXFLAGS $HUGIN_PARM" dnl =========================== dnl Check for GUI backend dnl =========================== AC_CANONICAL_HOST AC_ARG_ENABLE([gui], [ --enable-gui[=backend] Use specified gui backend. Can be win32, x11, pugl or auto [default=auto]],, [enable_gui="auto"]) if test "x$enable_gui" = "xyes"; then enable_gui="auto" fi if test "x$enable_gui" = "xauto"; then AC_MSG_RESULT([Auto setting gui based on host: $host_os]) case $host_os in darwin* ) enable_gui="" ;; linux*|*BSD*) enable_gui="x11" ;; mingw*|windows*|winnt|cygwin) enable_gui="win32" ;; *) AC_MSG_ERROR([Your platform is not currently supported]) ;; esac fi if test "x$enable_gui" = "xx11"; then AC_MSG_RESULT([Setting gui backend to X11]) dnl ====================== dnl Check for Xlib dnl ====================== PKG_CHECK_MODULES(X11, x11 >= 1.0) GUI_CFLAGS="-DX11 $X11_CFLAGS" GUI_LIBS="$X11_LIBS" elif test "x$enable_gui" = "xwin32"; then AC_MSG_RESULT([Setting gui backend to Win32]) GUI_CFLAGS="-DWIN32" GUI_LIBS="-lgdi32 -lsetupapi -lws2_32" elif test "x$enable_gui" = "xpugl"; then AC_MSG_RESULT([Setting gui backend to Pugl]) GUI_CFLAGS="-DPUGL -I../../pugl" GUI_LIBS="-lGLU -lGL -lglut" else AC_MSG_ERROR([*** No GUI backend has been selected ***]) fi AC_SUBST(GUI_CFLAGS) AC_SUBST(GUI_LIBS) AM_CONDITIONAL([ENABLE_PUGL], [test "x$enable_gui" = "xpugl"]) dnl ====================== dnl Compile unit tests dnl ====================== AC_ARG_WITH(test, [ --with-test Build unit tests]) if test x$with_test == xyes; then AC_MSG_WARN([*** Building unittests!]) AM_PATH_CPPUNIT(1.9.6) AC_OUTPUT(test/Makefile) fi dnl ====================== dnl Compile LV2 plugin dnl ====================== AC_ARG_ENABLE([lv2], [ --enable-lv2 Compile the LV2 plugin [default=no]],, [enable_lv2="no"]) if test "x$enable_lv2" = "xyes"; then enable_lv2=yes dnl ====================== dnl Check for lv2core dnl ====================== PKG_CHECK_MODULES(LV2, lv2 >= 1.0) else AC_MSG_RESULT([*** LV2 plugin will not be compiled ***]) enable_lv2=no fi AM_CONDITIONAL([ENABLE_LV2], [test "x$enable_lv2" = "xyes"]) dnl ====================== dnl Compile VST plugin dnl ====================== AC_ARG_WITH(vst_sources, [ --with-vst-sources Point this to the vstsdk24 directory]) AC_ARG_ENABLE([vst], [ --enable-vst Compile the VST plugin [default=no]],, [enable_vst="no"]) if test "x$enable_vst" = "xyes"; then enable_vst=yes VST_CPPFLAGS="-I$with_vst_sources -D__int64='long long int'" VST_SOURCE_PATH="$with_vst_sources" AC_SUBST(VST_SOURCE_PATH) AC_SUBST(VST_CPPFLAGS) AC_CONFIG_FILES(vst/Makefile.mingw32) else AC_MSG_RESULT([*** VST plugin will not be compiled ***]) enable_vst=no fi AM_CONDITIONAL([ENABLE_VST], [test "x$enable_vst" = "xyes"]) dnl ====================== dnl Compile AU plugin dnl ====================== #AC_ARG_ENABLE([au], #[ --enable-au Compile the audio units plugin [default=no]],, # [enable_au="no"]) #if test "x$enable_au" = "xyes"; then # enable_au=yes #else # AC_MSG_RESULT([*** Audio Units plugin will not be compiled ***]) # enable_au=no #fi #AM_CONDITIONAL([ENABLE_AU], [test "x$enable_au" = "xyes"]) dnl ====================== dnl Compile cli client dnl ====================== AC_ARG_ENABLE([cli], [ --enable-cli Compile the command line interface [default=yes]],, [enable_cli="yes"]) if test "x$enable_cli" = "xyes"; then enable_cli=yes dnl ====================== dnl Check for getopt dnl ====================== AC_HAVE_HEADERS(getopt.h) dnl *** dnl *** Input plugins dnl *** dnl *** Dummy AC_ARG_ENABLE([input_dummy], [ --disable-input-dummy Disable input dummy plugin [default=enabled]],, [enable_input_dummy="yes"]) if test "x$enable_input_dummy" = "xyes"; then have_input_dummy=yes else AC_MSG_RESULT([*** input dummy plugin disabled per user request ***]) have_input_dummy=no fi dnl *** Test AC_ARG_ENABLE([input_test], [ --disable-input-test Disable input test plugin [default=enabled]],, [enable_input_test="yes"]) if test "x$enable_input_test" = "xyes"; then have_input_test=yes else AC_MSG_RESULT([*** input test plugin disabled per user request ***]) have_input_test=no fi dnl *** Jackmidi AC_ARG_ENABLE([input_jackmidi], [ --disable-input-jackmidi Disable input jackmidi plugin [default=enabled]],, [enable_input_jackmidi="yes"]) if test "x$enable_input_jackmidi" = "xyes"; then have_input_jackmidi=yes need_jack=yes else AC_MSG_RESULT([*** input jackmidi plugin disabled per user request ***]) have_input_jackmidi=no fi dnl *** Midifile AC_ARG_ENABLE([input_midifile], [ --disable-input-midifile Disable input midifile plugin [default=enabled]],, [enable_input_midifile="yes"]) if test "x$enable_input_midifile" = "xyes"; then have_input_midifile=yes dnl ====================== dnl Check for libsmf dnl ====================== PKG_CHECK_MODULES(SMF, smf >= 1.2) else AC_MSG_RESULT([*** input midifile plugin disabled per user request ***]) have_input_midifile=no fi INPUT_PLUGINS="midifile jackmidi dummy test" AC_SUBST(INPUT_PLUGINS) dnl *** dnl *** Output plugins dnl *** dnl *** dummy AC_ARG_ENABLE([output_dummy], [ --disable-output-dummy Disable output dummy plugin [default=enabled]],, [enable_output_dummy="yes"]) if test "x$enable_output_dummy" = "xyes"; then have_output_dummy=yes else AC_MSG_RESULT([*** output dummy plugin disabled per user request ***]) have_output_dummy=no fi dnl *** Jackaudio AC_ARG_ENABLE([output_jackaudio], [ --disable-output-jackaudio Disable output jack plugin [default=enabled]],, [enable_output_jackaudio="yes"]) if test "x$enable_output_jackaudio" = "xyes"; then have_output_jackaudio=yes need_jack=yes else AC_MSG_RESULT([*** output jack plugin disabled per user request ***]) have_output_jackaudio=no fi dnl *** alsa AC_ARG_ENABLE([output_alsa], [ --disable-output-alsa Disable output alsa plugin [default=enabled]],, [enable_output_alsa="yes"]) if test "x$enable_output_alsa" = "xyes"; then have_output_alsa=yes dnl ====================== dnl Check for alsa library dnl ====================== PKG_CHECK_MODULES(ALSA, alsa >= 1.0.18) else AC_MSG_RESULT([*** output alsa plugin disabled per user request ***]) have_output_alsa=no fi dnl *** wavfile AC_ARG_ENABLE([output_wavfile], [ --disable-output-wavfile Disable output wavfile plugin [default=enabled]],, [enable_output_wavfile="yes"]) if test "x$enable_output_wavfile" = "xyes"; then have_output_wavfile=yes else AC_MSG_RESULT([*** output wavfile plugin disabled per user request ***]) have_output_wavfile=no fi OUTPUT_PLUGINS="dummy alsa wavfile jackaudio" AC_SUBST(OUTPUT_PLUGINS) dnl dnl Setup plugin paths dnl dgplugindir=${libdir}/drumgizmo AC_SUBST([dgplugindir]) INPUT_PLUGIN_DIR=${dgplugindir}/input OUTPUT_PLUGIN_DIR=${dgplugindir}/output AC_SUBST([INPUT_PLUGIN_DIR]) AC_SUBST([OUTPUT_PLUGIN_DIR]) AC_DEFINE_UNQUOTED(INPUT_PLUGIN_DIR, "${prefix}/lib/drumgizmo/input", [Input plugin dir]) AC_DEFINE_UNQUOTED(OUTPUT_PLUGIN_DIR, "${prefix}/lib/drumgizmo/output", [Output plugin dir]) else AC_MSG_RESULT([*** Command line interface disabled per user request ***]) enable_cli=no fi AM_CONDITIONAL([ENABLE_CLI], [test "x$enable_cli" == "xyes"]) AM_CONDITIONAL([HAVE_INPUT_DUMMY], [test "x$have_input_dummy" = "xyes"]) AM_CONDITIONAL([HAVE_INPUT_TEST], [test "x$have_input_test" = "xyes"]) AM_CONDITIONAL([HAVE_INPUT_JACKMIDI], [test "x$have_input_jackmidi" = "xyes"]) AM_CONDITIONAL([HAVE_INPUT_MIDIFILE], [test "x$have_input_midifile" = "xyes"]) AM_CONDITIONAL([HAVE_OUTPUT_DUMMY], [test "x$have_output_dummy" = "xyes"]) AM_CONDITIONAL([HAVE_OUTPUT_ALSA], [test "x$have_output_alsa" = "xyes"]) AM_CONDITIONAL([HAVE_OUTPUT_WAVFILE], [test "x$have_output_wavfile" = "xyes"]) AM_CONDITIONAL([HAVE_OUTPUT_JACKAUDIO], [test "x$have_output_jackaudio" = "xyes"]) dnl ====================== dnl Check for sndfile dnl ====================== PKG_CHECK_MODULES(SNDFILE, sndfile >= 1.0.20) AC_ARG_ENABLE([resampler], [ --enable-resampler[=lib] Enable resampler using either 'zita' or 'src' (libsamplerate). Use 'auto' for autodetect [default=auto]],, [enable_resampler="auto"]) if test "x$enable_resampler" = "xyes"; then enable_resampler="auto" fi has_src=no has_zita=no if test x$enable_resampler != xno; then AC_MSG_WARN([*** Building resample support!]) AC_DEFINE(WITH_RESAMPLER, [], [Use resample]) if test x$enable_resampler == xauto || test x$enable_resampler == xsrc; then dnl ====================== dnl Check for libsamplerate dnl ====================== PKG_CHECK_MODULES(SAMPLERATE, samplerate >= 0.1.7, has_src=yes, has_src=no) fi if test x$enable_resampler == xauto || test x$enable_resampler == xzita; then dnl ====================== dnl Check for the zitaresampler library dnl ====================== AC_LANG_PUSH([C++]) tmp_CXXFLAGS="$CXXFLAGS" tmp_CPPFLAGS="$CPPFLAGS" tmp_CFLAGS="$CFLAGS" tmp_LDFLAGS="$LDFLAGS" tmp_LIBS="$LIBS" CXXFLAGS="" CPPFLAGS="$ZITA_CPPFLAGS" CFLAGS="" LDFLAGS="$ZITA_LDFLAGS -lzita-resampler -lpthread" LIBS="" AC_LINK_IFELSE( [AC_LANG_PROGRAM([#include <zita-resampler/resampler.h>], [Resampler r] ) ], has_zita=yes, has_zita=no) ZITA_CPPFLAGS="$CXXFLAGS $CPPFLAGS $CFLAGS" ZITA_LIBS="$LDFLAGS $LIBS" CXXFLAGS="$tmp_CXXFLAGS" CPPFLAGS="$tmp_CPPFLAGS" CFLAGS="$tmp_CFLAGS" LDFLAGS="$tmp_LDFLAGS" LIBS="$tmp_LIBS" AC_SUBST(ZITA_CPPFLAGS) AC_SUBST(ZITA_LIBS) AC_LANG_POP([C++]) fi fi if test x$enable_resampler == xauto; then if test x$has_zita == xyes; then enable_resampler=zita elif test x$has_src == xyes; then enable_resampler=src else AC_MSG_ERROR([*** No resampler library present. Either libsamplerate or zita-resampler must be installed.]) fi fi if test x$enable_resampler == xzita; then if test x$has_zita == xyes; then AC_DEFINE(USE_ZITA, [], [zita-resampler is present]) else AC_MSG_ERROR([*** zita-resampler library or headers not found. Set ZITA_LDFLAGS or ZITA_CPPFLAGS to add searchpath.]) fi fi if test x$enable_resampler == xsrc; then if test x$has_src == xyes; then AC_DEFINE(USE_SRC, [], [libsamplerate is present]) else AC_MSG_ERROR([*** Missing libsamplerate.]) fi fi #dnl ====================== #dnl Check for zlib #dnl ====================== PKG_CHECK_MODULES(ZLIB, zlib >= 1.2.3) dnl ====================== dnl Check for the pthread library dnl ====================== tmp_CXXFLAGS="$CXXFLAGS" tmp_CPPFLAGS="$CPPFLAGS" tmp_CFLAGS="$CFLAGS" tmp_LDFLAGS="$LDFLAGS" tmp_LIBS="$LIBS" CXXFLAGS="" CPPFLAGS="" CFLAGS="" LDFLAGS="" LIBS="" AC_CHECK_HEADER(pthread.h, , AC_MSG_ERROR([*** pthread header file not found!])) AC_CHECK_LIB(pthread, pthread_mutex_init, , AC_MSG_ERROR([*** pthread library not found!])) PTHREAD_CFLAGS="$CXXFLAGS $CPPFLAGS $CFLAGS" PTHREAD_LIBS="$LDFLAGS $LIBS" CXXFLAGS="$tmp_CXXFLAGS" CPPFLAGS="$tmp_CPPFLAGS" CFLAGS="$tmp_CFLAGS" LDFLAGS="$tmp_LDFLAGS" LIBS="$tmp_LIBS" AC_SUBST(PTHREAD_CFLAGS) AC_SUBST(PTHREAD_LIBS) dnl ====================== dnl Check for eXpat library dnl ====================== tmp_CXXFLAGS="$CXXFLAGS" tmp_CPPFLAGS="$CPPFLAGS" tmp_CFLAGS="$CFLAGS" tmp_LDFLAGS="$LDFLAGS" tmp_LIBS="$LIBS" CXXFLAGS="" CPPFLAGS="" CFLAGS="$EXPAT_CFLAGS" LDFLAGS="$EXPAT_LDFLAGS" LIBS="" AC_CHECK_HEADER(expat.h, , AC_MSG_ERROR([*** eXpat header file not found!])) AC_CHECK_LIB(expat, XML_ParserCreate, , AC_MSG_ERROR([*** eXpat library not found!])) EXPAT_CFLAGS="$CXXFLAGS $CPPFLAGS $CFLAGS" EXPAT_LIBS="$LDFLAGS $LIBS" CXXFLAGS="$tmp_CXXFLAGS" CPPFLAGS="$tmp_CPPFLAGS" CFLAGS="$tmp_CFLAGS" LDFLAGS="$tmp_LDFLAGS" LIBS="$tmp_LIBS" AC_SUBST(EXPAT_CFLAGS) AC_SUBST(EXPAT_LIBS) dnl =========================== dnl Check for SSE instructions dnl =========================== AC_ARG_ENABLE([sse], [ --enable-sse[=level] Enable SSE Level 1, 2, 3 or auto [default=auto]],, [enable_sse="auto"]) if test "x$enable_sse" = "xyes"; then enable_sse="auto" fi #AC_MSG_RESULT([SSE: $enable_sse]) if test "x$enable_sse" = "x3"; then AC_MSG_RESULT([Setting sse level 3]) SSEFLAGS="-DSSE -msse -msse2 -mss3" elif test "x$enable_sse" = "x2"; then AC_MSG_RESULT([Setting sse level 2]) SSEFLAGS="-DSSE -msse -msse2" elif test "x$enable_sse" = "x1"; then AC_MSG_RESULT([Setting sse level 1]) SSEFLAGS="-DSSE -msse" elif test "x$enable_sse" = "xauto"; then AC_MSG_RESULT([Auto setting sse level]) AC_MSG_CHECKING([for sse3 instructions]) if grep -q "sse3" /proc/cpuinfo then AC_MSG_RESULT([yes]) SSEFLAGS="-msse3" AC_SUBST(SSEFLAGS) else AC_MSG_RESULT([no]) fi AC_MSG_CHECKING([for sse2 instructions]) if grep -q "sse2" /proc/cpuinfo then AC_MSG_RESULT([yes]) SSEFLAGS="$SSEFLAGS -msse2" AC_SUBST(SSEFLAGS) else AC_MSG_RESULT([no]) fi AC_MSG_CHECKING([for sse instructions]) if grep -q "sse" /proc/cpuinfo then AC_MSG_RESULT([yes]) SSEFLAGS="$SSEFLAGS -DSSE -msse" AC_SUBST(SSEFLAGS) else AC_MSG_RESULT([no]) fi else AC_MSG_RESULT([*** Disabling SSE ***]) fi if test "x$need_jack" = "xyes" then dnl ====================== dnl Check for jack dnl ====================== PKG_CHECK_MODULES(JACK, jack >= 0.120.1) fi AC_SUBST(CFLAGS) AC_SUBST(CPPFLAGS) AC_SUBST(CXXFLAGS) AC_SUBST(LDFLAGS) # au/Makefile AC_OUTPUT( Makefile tools/Makefile src/Makefile vst/Makefile lv2/Makefile plugingui/Makefile include/Makefile drumgizmo/Makefile drumgizmo/input/Makefile drumgizmo/input/dummy/Makefile drumgizmo/input/test/Makefile drumgizmo/input/jackmidi/Makefile drumgizmo/input/midifile/Makefile drumgizmo/output/Makefile drumgizmo/output/dummy/Makefile drumgizmo/output/alsa/Makefile drumgizmo/output/jackaudio/Makefile drumgizmo/output/wavfile/Makefile)