/* -*- Mode: c++ -*- */ /*************************************************************************** * resamplingframecontent.cc * * Fri May 5 23:43:28 CEST 2017 * Copyright 2017 André Nusser * andre.nusser@googlemail.com ****************************************************************************/ /* * This file is part of DrumGizmo. * * DrumGizmo is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * DrumGizmo is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License * along with DrumGizmo; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA. */ #include "resamplingframecontent.h" #include #include #include namespace GUI { ResamplingframeContent::ResamplingframeContent(dggui::Widget* parent, Settings& settings, SettingsNotifier& settings_notifier) : dggui::Widget(parent) , settings(settings) , settings_notifier(settings_notifier) { CONNECT(this, settings_notifier.drumkit_samplerate, this, &ResamplingframeContent::updateDrumkitSamplerate); CONNECT(this, settings_notifier.samplerate, this, &ResamplingframeContent::updateSessionSamplerate); CONNECT(this, settings_notifier.resampling_recommended, this, &ResamplingframeContent::updateResamplingRecommended); CONNECT(this, settings_notifier.resampling_quality, this, &ResamplingframeContent::updateResamplingQuality); text_field.move(0, 0); text_field.setReadOnly(true); quality_knob.resize(30, 30); quality_knob.setDefaultValue(0.7f); quality_knob.showValue(false); quality_label.setText(_("Quality")); quality_label.setAlignment(dggui::TextAlignment::center); quality_label.resize(40, 16); CONNECT(&quality_knob, valueChangedNotifier, this, &ResamplingframeContent::valueChangedNotifier); updateContent(); text_field.show(); } void ResamplingframeContent::resize(std::size_t width, std::size_t height) { Widget::resize(width, height); text_field.resize(std::max(width, std::size_t{51}) - 50, height); quality_knob.move(std::max(width, std::size_t{37}) - 36, 20); quality_label.move(std::max(width, std::size_t{41}) - 40, 0); } void ResamplingframeContent::updateContent() { text_field.setText( _("Session samplerate: ") + session_samplerate + "\n" + _("Drumkit samplerate: ") + drumkit_samplerate + "\n" + _("Resampling recommended: ") + resampling_recommended + "\n" ); } void ResamplingframeContent::updateDrumkitSamplerate(std::size_t drumkit_samplerate) { this->drumkit_samplerate = drumkit_samplerate == 0 ? "" : std::to_string(drumkit_samplerate); updateContent(); } void ResamplingframeContent::updateSessionSamplerate(double samplerate) { this->session_samplerate = std::to_string((std::size_t)samplerate); updateContent(); } void ResamplingframeContent::updateResamplingRecommended(bool resampling_recommended) { this->resampling_recommended = resampling_recommended ? _("Yes") : _("No"); updateContent(); } void ResamplingframeContent::updateResamplingQuality(float resampling_quality) { quality_knob.setValue(resampling_quality); } void ResamplingframeContent::valueChangedNotifier(float value) { settings.resampling_quality.store(value); } } // GUI::