pugixml 0.9 manual | Overview | Installation | Document: Object model · Loading · Accessing · Modifying · Saving | XPath | API Reference | Table of Contents


XPath types
Selecting nodes via XPath expression
Using query objects
Error handling
Conformance to W3C specification

If the task at hand is to select a subset of document nodes that match some criteria, it is possible to code a function using the existing traversal functionality for any practical criteria. However, often either a data-driven approach is desirable, in case the criteria are not predefined and come from a file, or it is inconvenient to use traversal interfaces and a higher-level DSL is required. There is a standard language for XML processing, XPath, that can be useful for these cases. pugixml implements an almost complete subset of XPath 1.0. Because of differences in document object model and some performance implications, there are minor violations of the official specifications, which can be found in Conformance to W3C specification. The rest of this section describes the interface for XPath functionality. Please note that if you wish to learn to use XPath language, you have to look for other tutorials or manuals; for example, you can read W3Schools XPath tutorial, XPath tutorial at tizag.com, and the XPath 1.0 specification.


[Note] Note

As of version 0.9, you need both STL and exception support to use XPath; XPath is disabled if either PUGIXML_NO_STL or PUGIXML_NO_EXCEPTIONS is defined.

Each XPath expression can have one of the following types: boolean, number, string or node set. Boolean type corresponds to bool type, number type corresponds to double type, string type corresponds to either std::string or std::wstring, depending on whether wide character interface is enabled, and node set corresponds to xpath_node_set type. There is an enumeration, xpath_value_type, which can take the values xpath_type_boolean, xpath_type_number, xpath_type_string or xpath_type_node_set, accordingly.

Because an XPath node can be either a node or an attribute, there is a special type, xpath_node, which is a discriminated union of these types. A value of this type contains two node handles, one of xml_node type, and another one of xml_attribute type; at most one of them can be non-null. The accessors to get these handles are available:

xml_node xpath_node::node() const;
xml_attribute xpath_node::attribute() const;

XPath nodes can be null, in which case both accessors return null handles.

Note that as per XPath specification, each XPath node has a parent, which can be retrieved via this function:

xml_node xpath_node::parent() const;

parent function returns the node's parent if the XPath node corresponds to xml_node handle (equivalent to node().parent()), or the node to which the attribute belongs to, if the XPath node corresponds to xml_attribute handle. For null nodes, parent returns null handle.

Like node and attribute handles, XPath node handles can be implicitly cast to boolean-like object to check if it is a null node, and also can be compared for equality with each other.

You can also create XPath nodes with one of tree constructors: the default constructor, the constructor that takes node argument, and the constructor that takes attribute and node arguments (in which case the attribute must belong to the attribute list of the node). The constructor from xml_node is implicit, so you can usually pass xml_node to functions that expect xpath_node. Apart from that you usually don't need to create your own XPath node objects, since they are returned to you via selection functions.

XPath expressions operate not on single nodes, but instead on node sets. A node set is a collection of nodes, which can be optionally ordered in either a forward document order or a reverse one. Document order is defined in XPath specification; an XPath node is before another node in document order if it appears before it in XML representation of the corresponding document.

Node sets are represented by xpath_node_set object, which has an interface that resembles one of sequential random-access containers. It has an iterator type along with usual begin/past-the-end iterator accessors:

typedef const xpath_node* xpath_node_set::const_iterator;
const_iterator xpath_node_set::begin() const;
const_iterator xpath_node_set::end() const;

And it also can be iterated via indices, just like std::vector:

const xpath_node& xpath_node_set::operator[](size_t index) const;
size_t xpath_node_set::size() const;
bool xpath_node_set::empty() const;

All of the above operations have the same semantics as that of std::vector: the iterators are random-access, all of the above operations are constant time, and accessing the element at index that is greater or equal than the set size results in undefined behavior. You can use both iterator-based and index-based access for iteration, however the iterator-based can be faster.

The order of iteration depends on the order of nodes inside the set; the order can be queried via the following function:

enum xpath_node_set::type_t {type_unsorted, type_sorted, type_sorted_reverse};
type_t xpath_node_set::type() const;

type function returns the current order of nodes; type_sorted means that the nodes are in forward document order, type_sorted_reverse means that the nodes are in reverse document order, and type_unsorted means that neither order is guaranteed (nodes can accidentally be in a sorted order even if type() returns type_unsorted). If you require a specific order of iteration, you can change it via sort function:

void xpath_node_set::sort(bool reverse = false);

Calling sort sorts the nodes in either forward or reverse document order, depending on the argument; after this call type() will return type_sorted or type_sorted_reverse.

Often the actual iteration is not needed; instead, only the first element in document order is required. For this, a special accessor is provided:

xpath_node xpath_node_set::first() const;

This function returns the first node in forward document order from the set, or null node if the set is empty. Note that while the result of the node does not depend on the order of nodes in the set (i.e. on the result of type()), the complexity does - if the set is sorted, the complexity is constant, otherwise it is linear in the number of elements or worse.

If you want to select nodes that match some XPath expression, you can do it with the following functions:

xpath_node xml_node::select_single_node(const char_t* query) const;
xpath_node_set xml_node::select_nodes(const char_t* query) const;

select_nodes function compiles the expression and then executes it with the node as a context node, and returns the resulting node set. select_single_node returns only the first node in document order from the result, and is equivalent to calling select_nodes(query).first(). If the XPath expression does not match anything, or the node handle is null, select_nodes returns an empty set, and select_single_node returns null XPath node.

Both functions throw xpath_exception if the query can not be compiled or if it returns a value with type other than node set; see Error handling for details.

While compiling expressions is fast, the compilation time can introduce a significant overhead if the same expression is used many times on small subtrees. If you're doing many similar queries, consider compiling them into query objects (see Using query objects for further reference). Once you get a compiled query object, you can pass it to select functions instead of an expression string:

xpath_node xml_node::select_single_node(const xpath_query& query) const;
xpath_node_set xml_node::select_nodes(const xpath_query& query) const;

Both functions throw xpath_exception if the query returns a value with type other than node set.

This is an example of selecting nodes using XPath expressions (samples/xpath_select.cpp):

pugi::xpath_node_set tools = doc.select_nodes("/Profile/Tools/Tool[@AllowRemote='true' and @DeriveCaptionFrom='lastparam']");

std::cout << "Tools:";

for (pugi::xpath_node_set::const_iterator it = tools.begin(); it != tools.end(); ++it)
    pugi::xpath_node node = *it;
    std::cout << " " << node.node().attribute("Filename").value();

pugi::xpath_node build_tool = doc.select_single_node("//Tool[contains(Description, 'build system')]");

std::cout << "\nBuild tool: " << build_tool.node().attribute("Filename").value() << "\n";

When you call select_nodes with an expression string as an argument, a query object is created behind the scene. A query object represents a compiled XPath expression. Query objects can be needed in the following circumstances:

  • You can precompile expressions to query objects to save compilation time if it becomes an issue;
  • You can use query objects to evaluate XPath expressions which result in booleans, numbers or strings;
  • You can get the type of expression value via query object.

Query objects correspond to xpath_query type. They are immutable and non-copyable: they are bound to the expression at creation time and can not be cloned. If you want to put query objects in a container, allocate them on heap via new operator and store pointers to xpath_query in the container.

You can create a query object with the constructor that takes XPath expression as an argument:

explicit xpath_query::xpath_query(const char_t* query);

The expression is compiled and the compiled representation is stored in the new query object. If compilation fails, xpath_exception is thrown (see Error handling for details). After the query is created, you can query the type of the evaluation result using the following function:

xpath_value_type xpath_query::return_type() const;

You can evaluate the query using one of the following functions:

bool xpath_query::evaluate_boolean(const xpath_node& n) const;
double xpath_query::evaluate_number(const xpath_node& n) const;
string_t xpath_query::evaluate_string(const xpath_node& n) const;
xpath_node_set xpath_query::evaluate_node_set(const xpath_node& n) const;

$$ exception, evaluate_string nostl All functions take the context node as an argument, compute the expression and return the result, converted to the requested type. By XPath specification, value of any type can be converted to boolean, number or string value, but no type other than node set can be converted to node set. Because of this, evaluate_boolean, evaluate_number and evaluate_string always return a result, but evaluate_node_set throws an xpath_exception if the return type is not node set.

[Note] Note

Calling node.select_nodes("query") is equivalent to calling xpath_query("query").evaluate_node_set(node).

This is an example of using query objects (samples/xpath_query.cpp):

// Select nodes via compiled query
pugi::xpath_query query_remote_tools("/Profile/Tools/Tool[@AllowRemote='true']");

pugi::xpath_node_set tools = query_remote_tools.evaluate_node_set(doc);
std::cout << "Remote tool: ";

// Evaluate numbers via compiled query
pugi::xpath_query query_timeouts("sum(//Tool/@Timeout)");
std::cout << query_timeouts.evaluate_number(doc) << std::endl;

// Evaluate strings via compiled query for different context nodes
pugi::xpath_query query_name_valid("string-length(substring-before(@Filename, '_')) > 0 and @OutputFileMasks");
pugi::xpath_query query_name("concat(substring-before(@Filename, '_'), ' produces ', @OutputFileMasks)");

for (pugi::xml_node tool = doc.first_element_by_path("Profile/Tools/Tool"); tool; tool = tool.next_sibling())
    std::string s = query_name.evaluate_string(tool);

    if (query_name_valid.evaluate_boolean(tool)) std::cout << s << std::endl;

$$ As of version 0.9, all XPath errors result in thrown exceptions. The errors can arise during expression compilation or node set evaluation. In both cases, an xpath_exception object is thrown. This is an exception object that implements std::exception interface, and thus has a single function what():

virtual const char* xpath_exception::what() const throw();

$$ This function returns the error message. Currently it is impossible to get the exact place where query compilation failed. This functionality, along with optional error handling without exceptions, will be available in version 1.0.

This is an example of XPath error handling (samples/xpath_error.cpp):

// Exception is thrown for incorrect query syntax
catch (const pugi::xpath_exception& e)
    std::cout << "Select failed: " << e.what() << std::endl;

// Exception is thrown for incorrect query semantics
catch (const pugi::xpath_exception& e)
    std::cout << "Select failed: " << e.what() << std::endl;

// Exception is thrown for query with incorrect return type
catch (const pugi::xpath_exception& e)
    std::cout << "Select failed: " << e.what() << std::endl;

Because of the differences in document object models, performance considerations and implementation complexity, pugixml does not provide a fully conformant XPath 1.0 implementation. This is the current list of incompatibilities:

  • Consecutive text nodes sharing the same parent are not merged, i.e. in <node>text1 <![CDATA[data]]> text2</node> node should have one text node children, but instead has three.
  • Since document can't have a document type declaration, id() function always returns an empty node set.
  • Namespace nodes are not supported (affects namespace:: axis).
  • Name tests are performed on QNames in XML document instead of expanded names; for <foo xmlns:ns1='uri' xmlns:ns2='uri'><ns1:child/><ns2:child/></foo>, query foo/ns1:* will return only the first child, not both of them. Compliant XPath implementations can return both nodes if the user provides appropriate namespace declarations.
  • String functions consider a character to be either a single char value or a single wchar_t value, depending on the library configuration; this means that some string functions are not fully Unicode-aware. This affects substring(), string-length() and translate() functions.
  • Variable references are not supported.

$$ Some of these incompatibilities will be fixed in version 1.0.

pugixml 0.9 manual | Overview | Installation | Document: Object model · Loading · Accessing · Modifying · Saving | XPath | API Reference | Table of Contents