path: root/tools
diff options
authorAndré Nusser <>2016-01-30 22:27:09 +0100
committerAndré Nusser <>2016-01-30 23:09:09 +0100
commitd967c7f0d80894e0b56579416705566e5dcda66a (patch)
treeeebb0b826df8d0ff4acba65936750ee05f6f20e8 /tools
parent4537f042717e0dba2a917d573309c825eaffd8f3 (diff)
Finish the performance test script. Still needs testing.
Diffstat (limited to 'tools')
2 files changed, 106 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/tools/performance_test/performance_test b/tools/performance_test/performance_test
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..d4bd318
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tools/performance_test/performance_test
@@ -0,0 +1,100 @@
+# USAGE: ./performance_test <kit> <midimap> <midifile>
+test_dir=$(dirname $0)
+cd $test_dir
+# check for right number of parameters
+if [[ $# != 3 ]]
+ echo "ERROR: You didn't supply the right number of parameters."
+ echo "USAGE: ./performance_test <kit> <midimap> <midifile>"
+ echo "Exiting..."
+ exit
+# check for drumgizmo
+if ! [ -e $dg_path/drumgizmo ]
+ echo "ERROR: The drumgizmo binary doesn't exist. Maybe you forgot to compile?"
+ echo "Exiting..."
+ exit
+# check for gnuplot
+if ! command -v gnuplot >/dev/null 2>&1
+ echo "ERROR: Cannot find gnuplot. Maybe it isn't installed?"
+ echo "Exiting..."
+ exit
+# check for the existence of the passed files
+if ! [ -e "$1" ] || ! [ -e "$2" ] || ! [ -e "$3" ]
+ echo "ERROR: One of the files (kit/midimap/midfile) doesn't exist."
+ echo "Exiting..."
+ exit
+echo "============================"
+echo "Starting the performace test"
+echo "============================"
+# initial data values
+# log ram and cpu usage of process
+function logData
+ top_output="$(top -b -n 1 -p $pid | tail -n 1)"
+ top_arr=($top_output)
+ cpu_usage="${top_arr[6]}"
+ ram_usage="${top_arr[7]}"
+ cpu_data="${cpu_data}${data_count} ${cpu_usage}\n"
+ ram_data="${ram_data}${data_count} ${ram_usage}\n"
+ data_count=$((data_count+1))
+# gnuplot ram and cpu usage over time
+function plotData
+ echo -e "$cpu_data" > cpu_data.dat
+ echo -e "$ram_data" > ram_data.dat
+ gnuplot performance_test.gnuplot > /dev/null 2>&1
+# delete possibly already existing log file
+if [ -e $dg_log_file ]
+ rm $dg_log_file
+# start dg
+$dg_path/./drumgizmo -i midifile -I file=$midifile,midimap=$midimap -o dummy $kit >> $dg_log_file &
+# collect data while dg is running
+while ps -p $pid > /dev/null
+ logData $pid
+ sleep $sample_interval
+# plot data
diff --git a/tools/performance_test/performance_test.gnuplot b/tools/performance_test/performance_test.gnuplot
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..900a1d0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tools/performance_test/performance_test.gnuplot
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
+set style line 1 lc rgb '#0060ad' lt 1 lw 2 pt 7 ps 1.5
+set terminal png size 400,300 enhanced font "Helvetica,10"
+set output 'cpu_data.png'
+plot 'cpu_data.dat' with linespoints ls 1
+set output 'ram_data.png'
+plot 'ram_data.dat' with linespoints ls 1