path: root/lodepng_unittest.cpp
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Diffstat (limited to 'lodepng_unittest.cpp')
1 files changed, 1658 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/lodepng_unittest.cpp b/lodepng_unittest.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1e4a49c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lodepng_unittest.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,1658 @@
+LodePNG Unit Test
+Copyright (c) 2005-2014 Lode Vandevenne
+This software is provided 'as-is', without any express or implied
+warranty. In no event will the authors be held liable for any damages
+arising from the use of this software.
+Permission is granted to anyone to use this software for any purpose,
+including commercial applications, and to alter it and redistribute it
+freely, subject to the following restrictions:
+ 1. The origin of this software must not be misrepresented; you must not
+ claim that you wrote the original software. If you use this software
+ in a product, an acknowledgment in the product documentation would be
+ appreciated but is not required.
+ 2. Altered source versions must be plainly marked as such, and must not be
+ misrepresented as being the original software.
+ 3. This notice may not be removed or altered from any source
+ distribution.
+//g++ lodepng.cpp lodepng_util.cpp lodepng_unittest.cpp -Wall -Wextra -Wsign-conversion -pedantic -ansi -O3
+Testing instructions:
+*) Compile with g++ with all warnings and run the unit test
+g++ lodepng.cpp lodepng_util.cpp lodepng_unittest.cpp -Wall -Wextra -Wshadow -pedantic -ansi -O3 && ./a.out
+*) Compile with pure ISO C90 and all warnings:
+mv lodepng.cpp lodepng.c ; gcc lodepng.c example_decode.c -ansi -pedantic -Wall -Wextra -O3 ; mv lodepng.c lodepng.cpp
+*) try lodepng_benchmark.cpp
+g++ lodepng.cpp lodepng_benchmark.cpp -Wall -Wextra -pedantic -ansi -lSDL -O3 && ./a.out
+*) Check if all examples compile without warnings:
+g++ lodepng.cpp example*.cpp -W -Wall -ansi -pedantic -O3 -c
+mv lodepng.cpp lodepng.c ; gcc lodepng.c example*.c -W -Wall -ansi -pedantic -O3 -c ; mv lodepng.c lodepng.cpp
+*) Check pngdetail.cpp:
+g++ lodepng.cpp lodepng_util.cpp pngdetail.cpp -W -Wall -ansi -pedantic -O3 -o pngdetail
+./pnginfo testdata/PngSuite/basi0g01.png
+*) Test compiling with some code sections with #defines disabled, for unused static function warnings etc...
+g++ lodepng.cpp -W -Wall -ansi -pedantic -O3 -c -DLODEPNG_NO_COMPILE_ZLIB
+g++ lodepng.cpp -W -Wall -ansi -pedantic -O3 -c -DLODEPNG_NO_COMPILE_PNG
+g++ lodepng.cpp -W -Wall -ansi -pedantic -O3 -c -DLODEPNG_NO_COMPILE_DECODER
+g++ lodepng.cpp -W -Wall -ansi -pedantic -O3 -c -DLODEPNG_NO_COMPILE_ENCODER
+g++ lodepng.cpp -W -Wall -ansi -pedantic -O3 -c -DLODEPNG_NO_COMPILE_DISK
+g++ lodepng.cpp -W -Wall -ansi -pedantic -O3 -c -DLODEPNG_NO_COMPILE_ANCILLARY_CHUNKS
+g++ lodepng.cpp -W -Wall -ansi -pedantic -O3 -c -DLODEPNG_NO_COMPILE_ERROR_TEXT
+g++ lodepng.cpp -W -Wall -ansi -pedantic -O3 -c -DLODEPNG_NO_COMPILE_CPP
+g++ lodepng.cpp -W -Wall -ansi -pedantic -O3 -c -DLODEPNG_NO_COMPILE_ZLIB -DLODEPNG_NO_COMPILE_DECODER
+g++ lodepng.cpp -W -Wall -ansi -pedantic -O3 -c -DLODEPNG_NO_COMPILE_ZLIB -DLODEPNG_NO_COMPILE_ENCODER
+g++ lodepng.cpp -W -Wall -ansi -pedantic -O3 -c -DLODEPNG_NO_COMPILE_PNG -DLODEPNG_NO_COMPILE_DECODER
+g++ lodepng.cpp -W -Wall -ansi -pedantic -O3 -c -DLODEPNG_NO_COMPILE_PNG -DLODEPNG_NO_COMPILE_ENCODER
+rm *.o
+*) analyze met clang:
+clang++ lodepng.cpp --analyze
+More verbose:
+clang++ --analyze -Xanalyzer -analyzer-output=text lodepng.cpp
+Or html, look under lodepng.plist dir afterwards and find the numbered locations in the pages:
+clang++ --analyze -Xanalyzer -analyzer-output=html lodepng.cpp
+*) check for memory leaks and vulnerabilities with valgrind
+comment out the large files tests because they're slow with valgrind
+g++ lodepng.cpp lodepng_util.cpp lodepng_unittest.cpp -Wall -Wextra -pedantic -ansi -g3
+valgrind --leak-check=full --track-origins=yes ./a.out
+*) remove "#include <iostream>" from lodepng.cpp if it's still in there
+cat lodepng.cpp | grep iostream
+*) check version dates in copyright message and "#define VERSION_STRING"
+*) check year in copyright message at top of all files as well as at bottom of lodepng.h
+*) check example_sdl.cpp with the png test suite images (the "x" ones are expected to show error)
+g++ lodepng.cpp example_sdl.cpp -Wall -Wextra -pedantic -ansi -O3 -lSDL -o showpng
+// ./showpng testdata/PngSuite/*.png
+*) strip trailing spaces
+*) check diff of lodepng.cpp and lodepng.h before submitting
+#include "lodepng.h"
+#include "lodepng_util.h"
+#include <cmath>
+#include <map>
+#include <iomanip>
+#include <iostream>
+#include <sstream>
+#include <string>
+#include <vector>
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <stdlib.h>
+void fail()
+ throw 1; //that's how to let a unittest fail
+template<typename T, typename U>
+void assertEquals(const T& expected, const U& actual, const std::string& message = "")
+ if(expected != (T)actual)
+ {
+ std::cout << "Error: Not equal! Expected " << expected << " got " << (T)actual << ". "
+ << "Message: " << message << std::endl;
+ fail();
+ }
+void assertTrue(bool value, const std::string& message = "")
+ if(!value)
+ {
+ std::cout << "Error: expected true. " << "Message: " << message << std::endl;
+ fail();
+ }
+//assert that no error
+void assertNoPNGError(unsigned error, const std::string& message = "")
+ if(error)
+ {
+ std::string msg = (message == "") ? lodepng_error_text(error)
+ : message + std::string(": ") + lodepng_error_text(error);
+ assertEquals(0, error, msg);
+ }
+void assertNoError(unsigned error)
+ if(error)
+ {
+ assertEquals(0, error, "Expected no error");
+ }
+#define STR_EXPAND(s) #s
+#define STR(s) STR_EXPAND(s)
+#define ASSERT_EQUALS(e, v) \
+ assertEquals(e, v, std::string() + "line " + STR(__LINE__) + ": " + STR(v) + " ASSERT_EQUALS(" + #e + ", " + #v + ")");\
+static const std::string BASE64 = "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789+/";
+//T and U can be std::string or std::vector<unsigned char>
+template<typename T, typename U>
+void toBase64(T& out, const U& in)
+ for(size_t i = 0; i < in.size(); i += 3)
+ {
+ int v = 65536 * in[i];
+ if(i + 1 < in.size()) v += 256 * in[i + 1];
+ if(i + 2 < in.size()) v += in[i + 2];
+ out.push_back(BASE64[(v >> 18) & 0x3f]);
+ out.push_back(BASE64[(v >> 12) & 0x3f]);
+ if(i + 1 < in.size()) out.push_back(BASE64[(v >> 6) & 0x3f]);
+ else out.push_back('=');
+ if(i + 2 < in.size()) out.push_back(BASE64[(v >> 0) & 0x3f]);
+ else out.push_back('=');
+ }
+int fromBase64(int v)
+ if(v >= 'A' && v <= 'Z') return (v - 'A');
+ if(v >= 'a' && v <= 'z') return (v - 'a' + 26);
+ if(v >= '0' && v <= '9') return (v - '0' + 52);
+ if(v == '+') return 62;
+ if(v == '/') return 63;
+ return 0; //v == '='
+//T and U can be std::string or std::vector<unsigned char>
+template<typename T, typename U>
+void fromBase64(T& out, const U& in)
+ for(size_t i = 0; i + 3 < in.size(); i += 4)
+ {
+ int v = 262144 * fromBase64(in[i]) + 4096 * fromBase64(in[i + 1]) + 64 * fromBase64(in[i + 2]) + fromBase64(in[i + 3]);
+ out.push_back((v >> 16) & 0xff);
+ if(in[i + 3] != '=') out.push_back((v >> 8) & 0xff);
+ if(in[i + 2] != '=') out.push_back((v >> 0) & 0xff);
+ }
+//Test image data
+struct Image
+ std::vector<unsigned char> data;
+ unsigned width;
+ unsigned height;
+ LodePNGColorType colorType;
+ unsigned bitDepth;
+//Utility for debug messages
+template<typename T>
+std::string valtostr(const T& val)
+ std::ostringstream sstream;
+ sstream << val;
+ return sstream.str();
+//Get number of color channels for a given PNG color type
+unsigned getNumColorChannels(unsigned colorType)
+ switch(colorType)
+ {
+ case 0: return 1; /*grey*/
+ case 2: return 3; /*RGB*/
+ case 3: return 1; /*palette*/
+ case 4: return 2; /*grey + alpha*/
+ case 6: return 4; /*RGBA*/
+ }
+ return 0; /*unexisting color type*/
+//Generate a test image with some data in it, the contents of the data is unspecified,
+//except the content is not just one plain color, and not true random either to be compressible.
+void generateTestImage(Image& image, unsigned width, unsigned height, LodePNGColorType colorType = LCT_RGBA, unsigned bitDepth = 8)
+ image.width = width;
+ image.height = height;
+ image.colorType = colorType;
+ image.bitDepth = bitDepth;
+ size_t bits = bitDepth * getNumColorChannels(colorType); //bits per pixel
+ size_t size = (width * height * bits + 7) / 8; //total image size in bytes
+ unsigned char value = 128;
+ for(size_t i = 0; i < size; i++)
+ {
+[i] = value++;
+ }
+//Check that the decoded PNG pixels are the same as the pixels in the image
+void assertPixels(Image& image, const unsigned char* decoded, const std::string& message)
+ for(size_t i = 0; i <; i++)
+ {
+ int byte_expected =[i];
+ int byte_actual = decoded[i];
+ //last byte is special due to possible random padding bits which need not to be equal
+ if(i == - 1)
+ {
+ size_t numbits = getNumColorChannels(image.colorType) * image.bitDepth * image.width * image.height;
+ size_t padding = 8u - (numbits - 8u * (numbits / 8u));
+ if(padding != 8u)
+ {
+ //set all padding bits of both to 0
+ for(size_t j = 0; j < padding; j++)
+ {
+ byte_expected = (byte_expected & (~(1 << j))) % 256;
+ byte_actual = (byte_actual & (~(1 << j))) % 256;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ assertEquals(byte_expected, byte_actual, message + " " + valtostr(i));
+ }
+//Test LodePNG encoding and decoding the encoded result, using the C interface
+void doCodecTestC(Image& image)
+ unsigned char* encoded = 0;
+ size_t encoded_size = 0;
+ unsigned char* decoded = 0;
+ unsigned decoded_w;
+ unsigned decoded_h;
+ struct OnExitScope
+ {
+ unsigned char* a;
+ unsigned char* b;
+ OnExitScope(unsigned char* ca, unsigned char* cb) : a(ca), b(cb) {}
+ ~OnExitScope()
+ {
+ free(a);
+ free(b);
+ }
+ } onExitScope(encoded, decoded);
+ unsigned error_enc = lodepng_encode_memory(&encoded, &encoded_size, &[0],
+ image.width, image.height, image.colorType, image.bitDepth);
+ if(error_enc != 0) std::cout << "Error: " << lodepng_error_text(error_enc) << std::endl;
+ assertNoPNGError(error_enc, "encoder error C");
+ //if the image is large enough, compressing it should result in smaller size
+ if( > 512) assertTrue(encoded_size <, "compressed size");
+ unsigned error_dec = lodepng_decode_memory(&decoded, &decoded_w, &decoded_h,
+ encoded, encoded_size, image.colorType, image.bitDepth);
+ if(error_dec != 0) std::cout << "Error: " << lodepng_error_text(error_dec) << std::endl;
+ assertNoPNGError(error_dec, "decoder error C");
+ ASSERT_EQUALS(image.width, decoded_w);
+ ASSERT_EQUALS(image.height, decoded_h);
+ assertPixels(image, decoded, "Pixels C");
+ free(decoded);
+ free(encoded);
+//Test LodePNG encoding and decoding the encoded result, using the C++ interface
+void doCodecTestCPP(Image& image)
+ std::vector<unsigned char> encoded;
+ std::vector<unsigned char> decoded;
+ unsigned decoded_w;
+ unsigned decoded_h;
+ unsigned error_enc = lodepng::encode(encoded,, image.width, image.height,
+ image.colorType, image.bitDepth);
+ assertNoPNGError(error_enc, "encoder error C++");
+ //if the image is large enough, compressing it should result in smaller size
+ if( > 512) assertTrue(encoded.size() <, "compressed size");
+ unsigned error_dec = lodepng::decode(decoded, decoded_w, decoded_h, encoded, image.colorType, image.bitDepth);
+ assertNoPNGError(error_dec, "decoder error C++");
+ ASSERT_EQUALS(image.width, decoded_w);
+ ASSERT_EQUALS(image.height, decoded_h);
+ ASSERT_EQUALS(, decoded.size());
+ assertPixels(image, &decoded[0], "Pixels C++");
+//Test LodePNG encoding and decoding the encoded result
+void doCodecTest(Image& image)
+ doCodecTestC(image);
+ doCodecTestCPP(image);
+//Test LodePNG encoding and decoding using some image generated with the given parameters
+void codecTest(unsigned width, unsigned height, LodePNGColorType colorType = LCT_RGBA, unsigned bitDepth = 8)
+ std::cout << "codec test " << width << " " << height << std::endl;
+ Image image;
+ generateTestImage(image, width, height, colorType, bitDepth);
+ doCodecTest(image);
+std::string removeSpaces(const std::string& s)
+ std::string result;
+ for(size_t i = 0; i < s.size(); i++) if(s[i] != ' ') result += s[i];
+ return result;
+void bitStringToBytes(std::vector<unsigned char>& bytes, const std::string& bits_)
+ std::string bits = removeSpaces(bits_);
+ bytes.resize((bits.size()) + 7 / 8);
+ for(size_t i = 0; i < bits.size(); i++)
+ {
+ size_t j = i / 8;
+ size_t k = i % 8;
+ char c = bits[i];
+ if(k == 0) bytes[j] = 0;
+ if(c == '1') bytes[j] |= (1 << (7 - k));
+ }
+test color convert on a single pixel. Testing palette and testing color keys is
+not supported by this function. Pixel values given using bits in an std::string
+of 0's and 1's.
+void colorConvertTest(const std::string& bits_in, LodePNGColorType colorType_in, unsigned bitDepth_in,
+ const std::string& bits_out, LodePNGColorType colorType_out, unsigned bitDepth_out)
+ std::cout << "color convert test " << bits_in << " - " << bits_out << std::endl;
+ std::vector<unsigned char> expected, actual, image;
+ bitStringToBytes(expected, bits_out);
+ actual.resize(expected.size());
+ bitStringToBytes(image, bits_in);
+ LodePNGColorMode mode_in, mode_out;
+ lodepng_color_mode_init(&mode_in);
+ lodepng_color_mode_init(&mode_out);
+ mode_in.colortype = colorType_in;
+ mode_in.bitdepth = bitDepth_in;
+ mode_out.colortype = colorType_out;
+ mode_out.bitdepth = bitDepth_out;
+ unsigned error = lodepng_convert(&actual[0], &image[0], &mode_out, &mode_in, 1, 1);
+ assertNoPNGError(error, "convert error");
+ for(size_t i = 0; i < expected.size(); i++)
+ {
+ assertEquals((int)expected[i], (int)actual[i], "byte " + valtostr(i));
+ }
+ lodepng_color_mode_cleanup(&mode_in);
+ lodepng_color_mode_cleanup(&mode_out);
+void testOtherPattern1()
+ std::cout << "codec other pattern 1" << std::endl;
+ Image image1;
+ size_t w = 192;
+ size_t h = 192;
+ image1.width = w;
+ image1.height = h;
+ image1.colorType = LCT_RGBA;
+ image1.bitDepth = 8;
+ * h * 4u);
+ for(size_t y = 0; y < h; y++)
+ for(size_t x = 0; x < w; x++)
+ {
+ //pattern 1
+[4u * w * y + 4u * x + 0u] = (unsigned char)(127 * (1 + std::sin(( x * x + y * y) / (w * h / 8.0))));
+[4u * w * y + 4u * x + 1u] = (unsigned char)(127 * (1 + std::sin(((w - x - 1) * (w - x - 1) + y * y) / (w * h / 8.0))));
+[4u * w * y + 4u * x + 2u] = (unsigned char)(127 * (1 + std::sin(( x * x + (h - y - 1) * (h - y - 1)) / (w * h / 8.0))));
+[4u * w * y + 4u * x + 3u] = (unsigned char)(127 * (1 + std::sin(((w - x - 1) * (w - x - 1) + (h - y - 1) * (h - y - 1)) / (w * h / 8.0))));
+ }
+ doCodecTest(image1);
+void testOtherPattern2()
+ std::cout << "codec other pattern 2" << std::endl;
+ Image image1;
+ size_t w = 192;
+ size_t h = 192;
+ image1.width = w;
+ image1.height = h;
+ image1.colorType = LCT_RGBA;
+ image1.bitDepth = 8;
+ * h * 4u);
+ for(size_t y = 0; y < h; y++)
+ for(size_t x = 0; x < w; x++)
+ {
+[4u * w * y + 4u * x + 0u] = 255 * !(x & y);
+[4u * w * y + 4u * x + 1u] = x ^ y;
+[4u * w * y + 4u * x + 2u] = x | y;
+[4u * w * y + 4u * x + 3u] = 255;
+ }
+ doCodecTest(image1);
+void testPNGCodec()
+ codecTest(1, 1);
+ codecTest(2, 2);
+ codecTest(1, 1, LCT_GREY, 1);
+ codecTest(7, 7, LCT_GREY, 1);
+ codecTest(127, 127);
+ codecTest(127, 127, LCT_GREY, 1);
+ testOtherPattern1();
+ testOtherPattern2();
+//Tests some specific color conversions with specific color bit combinations
+void testColorConvert()
+ //test color conversions to RGBA8
+ colorConvertTest("1", LCT_GREY, 1, "11111111 11111111 11111111 11111111", LCT_RGBA, 8);
+ colorConvertTest("10", LCT_GREY, 2, "10101010 10101010 10101010 11111111", LCT_RGBA, 8);
+ colorConvertTest("1001", LCT_GREY, 4, "10011001 10011001 10011001 11111111", LCT_RGBA, 8);
+ colorConvertTest("10010101", LCT_GREY, 8, "10010101 10010101 10010101 11111111", LCT_RGBA, 8);
+ colorConvertTest("10010101 11111110", LCT_GREY_ALPHA, 8, "10010101 10010101 10010101 11111110", LCT_RGBA, 8);
+ colorConvertTest("10010101 00000001 11111110 00000001", LCT_GREY_ALPHA, 16, "10010101 10010101 10010101 11111110", LCT_RGBA, 8);
+ colorConvertTest("01010101 00000000 00110011", LCT_RGB, 8, "01010101 00000000 00110011 11111111", LCT_RGBA, 8);
+ colorConvertTest("01010101 00000000 00110011 10101010", LCT_RGBA, 8, "01010101 00000000 00110011 10101010", LCT_RGBA, 8);
+ colorConvertTest("10101010 01010101 11111111 00000000 11001100 00110011", LCT_RGB, 16, "10101010 11111111 11001100 11111111", LCT_RGBA, 8);
+ colorConvertTest("10101010 01010101 11111111 00000000 11001100 00110011 11100111 00011000", LCT_RGBA, 16, "10101010 11111111 11001100 11100111", LCT_RGBA, 8);
+ //test color conversions to RGB8
+ colorConvertTest("1", LCT_GREY, 1, "11111111 11111111 11111111", LCT_RGB, 8);
+ colorConvertTest("10", LCT_GREY, 2, "10101010 10101010 10101010", LCT_RGB, 8);
+ colorConvertTest("1001", LCT_GREY, 4, "10011001 10011001 10011001", LCT_RGB, 8);
+ colorConvertTest("10010101", LCT_GREY, 8, "10010101 10010101 10010101", LCT_RGB, 8);
+ colorConvertTest("10010101 11111110", LCT_GREY_ALPHA, 8, "10010101 10010101 10010101", LCT_RGB, 8);
+ colorConvertTest("10010101 00000001 11111110 00000001", LCT_GREY_ALPHA, 16, "10010101 10010101 10010101", LCT_RGB, 8);
+ colorConvertTest("01010101 00000000 00110011", LCT_RGB, 8, "01010101 00000000 00110011", LCT_RGB, 8);
+ colorConvertTest("01010101 00000000 00110011 10101010", LCT_RGBA, 8, "01010101 00000000 00110011", LCT_RGB, 8);
+ colorConvertTest("10101010 01010101 11111111 00000000 11001100 00110011", LCT_RGB, 16, "10101010 11111111 11001100", LCT_RGB, 8);
+ colorConvertTest("10101010 01010101 11111111 00000000 11001100 00110011 11100111 00011000", LCT_RGBA, 16, "10101010 11111111 11001100", LCT_RGB, 8);
+ //test color conversions to RGBA16
+ colorConvertTest("1", LCT_GREY, 1, "11111111 11111111 11111111 11111111 11111111 11111111 11111111 11111111", LCT_RGBA, 16);
+ colorConvertTest("10", LCT_GREY, 2, "10101010 10101010 10101010 10101010 10101010 10101010 11111111 11111111", LCT_RGBA, 16);
+ //test greyscale color conversions
+ colorConvertTest("1", LCT_GREY, 1, "11111111", LCT_GREY, 8);
+ colorConvertTest("1", LCT_GREY, 1, "1111111111111111", LCT_GREY, 16);
+ colorConvertTest("0", LCT_GREY, 1, "00000000", LCT_GREY, 8);
+ colorConvertTest("0", LCT_GREY, 1, "0000000000000000", LCT_GREY, 16);
+ colorConvertTest("11", LCT_GREY, 2, "11111111", LCT_GREY, 8);
+ colorConvertTest("11", LCT_GREY, 2, "1111111111111111", LCT_GREY, 16);
+ colorConvertTest("10", LCT_GREY, 2, "10101010", LCT_GREY, 8);
+ colorConvertTest("10", LCT_GREY, 2, "1010101010101010", LCT_GREY, 16);
+ colorConvertTest("1000", LCT_GREY, 4, "10001000", LCT_GREY, 8);
+ colorConvertTest("1000", LCT_GREY, 4, "1000100010001000", LCT_GREY, 16);
+ colorConvertTest("10110101", LCT_GREY, 8, "1011010110110101", LCT_GREY, 16);
+ colorConvertTest("1011010110110101", LCT_GREY, 16, "10110101", LCT_GREY, 8);
+ //others
+ colorConvertTest("11111111 11111111 11111111 00000000 00000000 00000000", LCT_RGB, 1, "10", LCT_GREY, 1);
+//This tests color conversions from any color model to any color model, with any bit depth
+//But it tests only with colors black and white, because that are the only colors every single model supports
+void testColorConvert2()
+ std::cout << "testColorConvert2" << std::endl;
+ struct Combo
+ {
+ LodePNGColorType colortype;
+ unsigned bitdepth;
+ };
+ Combo combos[15] =
+ {
+ { LCT_GREY, 1},
+ { LCT_GREY, 2},
+ { LCT_GREY, 4},
+ { LCT_GREY, 8},
+ { LCT_GREY, 16},
+ { LCT_RGB, 8},
+ { LCT_RGB, 16},
+ { LCT_PALETTE, 1},
+ { LCT_PALETTE, 2},
+ { LCT_PALETTE, 4},
+ { LCT_PALETTE, 8},
+ { LCT_GREY_ALPHA, 16},
+ { LCT_RGBA, 8},
+ { LCT_RGBA, 16},
+ };
+ lodepng::State state;
+ LodePNGColorMode& mode_in = state.info_png.color;
+ LodePNGColorMode& mode_out = state.info_raw;
+ LodePNGColorMode mode_8;
+ lodepng_color_mode_init(&mode_8);
+ for(size_t i = 0; i < 256; i++)
+ {
+ size_t j = i == 1 ? 255 : i;
+ lodepng_palette_add(&mode_in, j, j, j, 255);
+ lodepng_palette_add(&mode_out, j, j, j, 255);
+ }
+ for(size_t i = 0; i < 15; i++)
+ {
+ mode_in.colortype = combos[i].colortype;
+ mode_in.bitdepth = combos[i].bitdepth;
+ for(size_t j = 0; j < 15; j++)
+ {
+ mode_out.colortype = combos[i].colortype;
+ mode_out.bitdepth = combos[i].bitdepth;
+ unsigned char eight[36] = {
+ 0,0,0,255, 255,255,255,255,
+ 0,0,0,255, 255,255,255,255,
+ 255,255,255,255, 0,0,0,255,
+ 255,255,255,255, 255,255,255,255,
+ 0,0,0,255 }; //input in RGBA8
+ unsigned char in[72]; //custom input color type
+ unsigned char out[72]; //custom output color type
+ unsigned char eight2[36]; //back in RGBA8 after all conversions to check correctness
+ unsigned error = 0;
+ error |= lodepng_convert(in, eight, &mode_in, &mode_8, 3, 3);
+ if(!error) error |= lodepng_convert(out, in, &mode_out, &mode_in, 3, 3); //Test input to output type
+ if(!error) error |= lodepng_convert(eight2, out, &mode_8, &mode_out, 3, 3);
+ if(!error)
+ {
+ for(size_t k = 0; k < 36; k++)
+ {
+ if(eight[k] != eight2[k])
+ {
+ error = 99999;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if(error)
+ {
+ std::cout << "Error " << error << " i: " << i << " j: " << j
+ << " colortype i: " << combos[i].colortype
+ << " bitdepth i: " << combos[i].bitdepth
+ << " colortype j: " << combos[j].colortype
+ << " bitdepth j: " << combos[j].bitdepth
+ << std::endl;
+ if(error != 99999) assertNoPNGError(error);
+ else fail();
+ }
+ }
+ }
+//if compressible is true, the test will also assert that the compressed string is smaller
+void testCompressStringZlib(const std::string& text, bool compressible)
+ if(text.size() < 500) std::cout << "compress test with text: " << text << std::endl;
+ else std::cout << "compress test with text length: " << text.size() << std::endl;
+ std::vector<unsigned char> in(text.size());
+ for(size_t i = 0; i < text.size(); i++) in[i] = (unsigned char)text[i];
+ unsigned char* out = 0;
+ size_t outsize = 0;
+ unsigned error = 0;
+ error = lodepng_zlib_compress(&out, &outsize, in.empty() ? 0 : &in[0], in.size(), &lodepng_default_compress_settings);
+ assertNoPNGError(error);
+ if(compressible) assertTrue(outsize < in.size());
+ unsigned char* out2 = 0;
+ size_t outsize2 = 0;
+ error = lodepng_zlib_decompress(&out2, &outsize2, out, outsize, &lodepng_default_decompress_settings);
+ assertNoPNGError(error);
+ ASSERT_EQUALS(outsize2, in.size());
+ for(size_t i = 0; i < in.size(); i++) ASSERT_EQUALS(in[i], out2[i]);
+ free(out);
+ free(out2);
+void testCompressZlib()
+ testCompressStringZlib("", false);
+ testCompressStringZlib("a", false);
+ testCompressStringZlib("aa", false);
+ testCompressStringZlib("ababababababababababababababababababababababababababababababababababababababababababab", true);
+ testCompressStringZlib("abaaaabaabbbaabbabbababbbbabababbbaabbbaaaabbbbabbbabbbaababbbbbaaabaabbabaaaabbbbbbab", true);
+ testCompressStringZlib("aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaab", true);
+ testCompressStringZlib("omnomnomnomnomnomnomnomnomnomnom", true);
+ testCompressStringZlib("the quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog. the quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog.", true);
+ testCompressStringZlib("abracadabra", false);
+ testCompressStringZlib("hello hello hello hello hello hello hello hello hello hello hello?", true);
+ testCompressStringZlib("WPgZX2D*um0H::,4/KU\"kt\"Ne\"#Qa.&#<aF9{jag]|{hv,IXez\
+\\DKn5zYdV{XxBi=n|1J-TwakWvp[b8|-kOcZ@QkAxJSMeZ0l&<*w0BP/CXM(LFH'", false);
+ testCompressStringZlib("asdfhlkhfafsduyfbasiuytfgbiasuidygiausygdifaubsydfsdf", false);
+ testCompressStringZlib("418541499849814614617987416457317375467441841687487", true);
+ testCompressStringZlib("3.141592653589793238462643383279502884197169399375105820974944592307816406286", true);
+ testCompressStringZlib("lodepng_zlib_decompress(&out2, &outsize2, out, outsize, &lodepng_default_decompress_settings);", true);
+void testDiskCompressZlib(const std::string& filename)
+ std::cout << "testDiskCompressZlib: File " << filename << std::endl;
+ std::vector<unsigned char> buffer;
+ lodepng::load_file(buffer, filename);
+ std::string f;
+ for(size_t i = 0; i < buffer.size(); i++) f += (char)buffer[i];
+ testCompressStringZlib(f, false);
+void testDiskPNG(const std::string& filename)
+ std::cout << "testDiskPNG: File " << filename << std::endl;
+ Image image;
+ image.colorType = LCT_RGB;
+ image.bitDepth = 8;
+ unsigned error = lodepng::decode(, image.width, image.height, filename, image.colorType, image.bitDepth);
+ assertNoPNGError(error);
+ doCodecTest(image);
+std::vector<unsigned> strtovector(const std::string& numbers)
+ std::vector<unsigned> result;
+ std::stringstream ss(numbers);
+ unsigned i;
+ while(ss >> i) result.push_back(i);
+ return result;
+void doTestHuffmanCodeLengths(const std::string& expectedstr, const std::string& counts, size_t bitlength)
+ std::vector<unsigned> expected = strtovector(expectedstr);
+ std::vector<unsigned> count = strtovector(counts);
+ std::cout << "doTestHuffmanCodeLengths: " << counts << std::endl;
+ std::vector<unsigned> result(count.size());
+ unsigned error = lodepng_huffman_code_lengths(&result[0], &count[0], count.size(), bitlength);
+ assertNoPNGError(error, "errorcode");
+ std::stringstream ss1, ss2;
+ for(size_t i = 0; i < count.size(); i++)
+ {
+ ss1 << expected[i] << " ";
+ ss2 << result[i] << " ";
+ }
+ assertEquals(ss1.str(), ss2.str(), "value");
+void testHuffmanCodeLengths()
+ bool atleasttwo = true; //LodePNG generates at least two, instead of at least one, symbol
+ if(atleasttwo)
+ {
+ doTestHuffmanCodeLengths("1 1", "0 0", 16);
+ doTestHuffmanCodeLengths("1 1 0", "0 0 0", 16);
+ doTestHuffmanCodeLengths("1 1", "1 0", 16);
+ doTestHuffmanCodeLengths("1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0", "0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0", 16);
+ doTestHuffmanCodeLengths("1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0", "1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0", 16);
+ doTestHuffmanCodeLengths("1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0", "0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0", 16);
+ doTestHuffmanCodeLengths("1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1", "0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1", 16);
+ doTestHuffmanCodeLengths("0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1", "0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1", 16);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ doTestHuffmanCodeLengths("1 0", "0 0", 16);
+ doTestHuffmanCodeLengths("1 0 0", "0 0 0", 16);
+ doTestHuffmanCodeLengths("1 0", "1 0", 16);
+ doTestHuffmanCodeLengths("1", "1", 16);
+ doTestHuffmanCodeLengths("1", "0", 16);
+ }
+ doTestHuffmanCodeLengths("1 1", "1 1", 16);
+ doTestHuffmanCodeLengths("1 1", "1 100", 16);
+ doTestHuffmanCodeLengths("2 2 1", "1 2 3", 16);
+ doTestHuffmanCodeLengths("2 1 2", "2 3 1", 16);
+ doTestHuffmanCodeLengths("1 2 2", "3 1 2", 16);
+ doTestHuffmanCodeLengths("3 3 2 1", "1 30 31 32", 16);
+ doTestHuffmanCodeLengths("2 2 2 2", "1 30 31 32", 2);
+ doTestHuffmanCodeLengths("5 5 4 4 4 3 3 1", "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 500", 16);
+Create a PNG image with all known chunks (except only one of tEXt or zTXt) plus
+unknown chunks, and a palette.
+void createComplexPNG(std::vector<unsigned char>& png)
+ unsigned w = 16, h = 17;
+ std::vector<unsigned char> image(w * h);
+ for(size_t i = 0; i < w * h; i++)
+ {
+ image[i] = i % 256;
+ }
+ lodepng::State state;
+ LodePNGInfo& info = state.info_png;
+ info.color.colortype = LCT_PALETTE;
+ info.color.bitdepth = 8;
+ state.info_raw.colortype = LCT_PALETTE;
+ state.info_raw.bitdepth = 8;
+ state.encoder.auto_convert = false;
+ state.encoder.text_compression = 1;
+ state.encoder.add_id = 1;
+ for(size_t i = 0; i < 256; i++)
+ {
+ lodepng_palette_add(&info.color, i, i, i, i);
+ lodepng_palette_add(&state.info_raw, i, i, i, i);
+ }
+ info.background_defined = 1;
+ info.background_r = 127;
+ lodepng_add_text(&info, "key0", "string0");
+ lodepng_add_text(&info, "key1", "string1");
+ lodepng_add_itext(&info, "ikey0", "ilangtag0", "itranskey0", "istring0");
+ lodepng_add_itext(&info, "ikey1", "ilangtag1", "itranskey1", "istring1");
+ info.time_defined = 1;
+ info.time.year = 2012;
+ info.time.month = 1;
+ = 2;
+ info.time.hour = 3;
+ info.time.minute = 4;
+ info.time.second = 5;
+ info.phys_defined = 1;
+ info.phys_x = 1;
+ info.phys_y = 2;
+ info.phys_unit = 1;
+ lodepng_chunk_create(&info.unknown_chunks_data[0], &info.unknown_chunks_size[0], 3, "uNKa", (unsigned char*)"a00");
+ lodepng_chunk_create(&info.unknown_chunks_data[0], &info.unknown_chunks_size[0], 3, "uNKa", (unsigned char*)"a01");
+ lodepng_chunk_create(&info.unknown_chunks_data[1], &info.unknown_chunks_size[1], 3, "uNKb", (unsigned char*)"b00");
+ lodepng_chunk_create(&info.unknown_chunks_data[2], &info.unknown_chunks_size[2], 3, "uNKc", (unsigned char*)"c00");
+ unsigned error = lodepng::encode(png, &image[0], w, h, state);
+ assertNoPNGError(error);
+std::string extractChunkNames(const std::vector<unsigned char>& png)
+ const unsigned char* chunk = &png[8];
+ char name[5];
+ std::string result = "";
+ for(;;)
+ {
+ lodepng_chunk_type(name, chunk);
+ result += (std::string(" ") + name);
+ if(std::string(name) == "IEND") break;
+ chunk = lodepng_chunk_next_const(chunk);
+ assertTrue(chunk < &png.back(), "jumped out of chunks");
+ }
+ return result;
+void testComplexPNG()
+ std::cout << "testComplexPNG" << std::endl;
+ std::vector<unsigned char> png;
+ createComplexPNG(png);
+ lodepng::State state;
+ LodePNGInfo& info = state.info_png;
+ unsigned w, h;
+ std::vector<unsigned char> image;
+ unsigned error = lodepng::decode(image, w, h, state, &png[0], png.size());
+ assertNoPNGError(error);
+ ASSERT_EQUALS(1, info.background_defined);
+ ASSERT_EQUALS(127, info.background_r);
+ ASSERT_EQUALS(1, info.time_defined);
+ ASSERT_EQUALS(2012, info.time.year);
+ ASSERT_EQUALS(1, info.time.month);
+ ASSERT_EQUALS(3, info.time.hour);
+ ASSERT_EQUALS(4, info.time.minute);
+ ASSERT_EQUALS(5, info.time.second);
+ ASSERT_EQUALS(1, info.phys_defined);
+ ASSERT_EQUALS(1, info.phys_x);
+ ASSERT_EQUALS(2, info.phys_y);
+ ASSERT_EQUALS(1, info.phys_unit);
+ std::string chunknames = extractChunkNames(png);
+ //std::string expectednames = " IHDR uNKa uNKa PLTE tRNS bKGD pHYs uNKb IDAT tIME tEXt tEXt tEXt iTXt iTXt uNKc IEND";
+ std::string expectednames = " IHDR uNKa uNKa PLTE tRNS bKGD pHYs uNKb IDAT tIME zTXt zTXt tEXt iTXt iTXt uNKc IEND";
+ ASSERT_EQUALS(expectednames, chunknames);
+ //TODO: test strings and unknown chunks too
+//test that, by default, it chooses filter type zero for all scanlines if the image has a palette
+void testPaletteFilterTypesZero()
+ std::cout << "testPaletteFilterTypesZero" << std::endl;
+ std::vector<unsigned char> png;
+ createComplexPNG(png);
+ std::vector<unsigned char> filterTypes;
+ lodepng::getFilterTypes(filterTypes, png);
+ ASSERT_EQUALS(17, filterTypes.size());
+ for(size_t i = 0; i < 17; i++) ASSERT_EQUALS(0, filterTypes[i]);
+//tests that there are no crashes with auto color chooser in case of palettes with translucency etc...
+void testPaletteToPaletteConvert()
+ std::cout << "testPaletteToPaletteConvert" << std::endl;
+ unsigned error;
+ unsigned w = 16, h = 16;
+ std::vector<unsigned char> image(w * h);
+ for(size_t i = 0; i < w * h; i++) image[i] = i % 256;
+ lodepng::State state;
+ LodePNGInfo& info = state.info_png;
+ info.color.colortype = state.info_raw.colortype = LCT_PALETTE;
+ info.color.bitdepth = state.info_raw.bitdepth = 8;
+ ASSERT_EQUALS(true, state.encoder.auto_convert);
+ for(size_t i = 0; i < 256; i++)
+ {
+ lodepng_palette_add(&info.color, i, i, i, i);
+ }
+ std::vector<unsigned char> png;
+ for(size_t i = 0; i < 256; i++)
+ {
+ lodepng_palette_add(&state.info_raw, i, i, i, i);
+ }
+ error = lodepng::encode(png, &image[0], w, h, state);
+ assertNoPNGError(error);
+//for this test, you have to choose palette colors that cause LodePNG to actually use a palette,
+//so don't use all greyscale colors for example
+void doRGBAToPaletteTest(unsigned char* palette, size_t size, LodePNGColorType expectedType = LCT_PALETTE)
+ std::cout << "testRGBToPaletteConvert " << size << std::endl;
+ unsigned error;
+ unsigned w = size, h = 257 /*LodePNG encodes no palette if image is too small*/;
+ std::vector<unsigned char> image(w * h * 4);
+ for(size_t i = 0; i < image.size(); i++) image[i] = palette[i % (size * 4)];
+ std::vector<unsigned char> png;
+ error = lodepng::encode(png, &image[0], w, h);
+ assertNoPNGError(error);
+ lodepng::State state;
+ std::vector<unsigned char> image2;
+ error = lodepng::decode(image2, w, h, state, png);
+ assertNoPNGError(error);
+ ASSERT_EQUALS(image.size(), image2.size());
+ for(size_t i = 0; i < image.size(); i++) ASSERT_EQUALS(image[i], image2[i]);
+ ASSERT_EQUALS(expectedType, state.info_png.color.colortype);
+ if(expectedType == LCT_PALETTE)
+ {
+ ASSERT_EQUALS(size, state.info_png.color.palettesize);
+ for(size_t i = 0; i < size * 4; i++) ASSERT_EQUALS(state.info_png.color.palette[i], image[i]);
+ }
+void testRGBToPaletteConvert()
+ unsigned char palette1[4] = {1,2,3,4};
+ doRGBAToPaletteTest(palette1, 1);
+ unsigned char palette2[8] = {1,2,3,4, 5,6,7,8};
+ doRGBAToPaletteTest(palette2, 2);
+ unsigned char palette3[12] = {1,1,1,255, 20,20,20,255, 20,20,21,255};
+ doRGBAToPaletteTest(palette3, 3);
+ std::vector<unsigned char> palette;
+ for(int i = 0; i < 256; i++)
+ {
+ palette.push_back(i);
+ palette.push_back(5);
+ palette.push_back(6);
+ palette.push_back(128);
+ }
+ doRGBAToPaletteTest(&palette[0], 256);
+ palette.push_back(5);
+ palette.push_back(6);
+ palette.push_back(7);
+ palette.push_back(8);
+ doRGBAToPaletteTest(&palette[0], 257, LCT_RGBA);
+void testColorKeyConvert()
+ std::cout << "testColorKeyConvert" << std::endl;
+ unsigned error;
+ unsigned w = 32, h = 32;
+ std::vector<unsigned char> image(w * h * 4);
+ for(size_t i = 0; i < w * h; i++)
+ {
+ image[i * 4 + 0] = i % 256;
+ image[i * 4 + 1] = i / 256;
+ image[i * 4 + 2] = 0;
+ image[i * 4 + 3] = i == 23 ? 0 : 255;
+ }
+ std::vector<unsigned char> png;
+ error = lodepng::encode(png, &image[0], w, h);
+ assertNoPNGError(error);
+ lodepng::State state;
+ std::vector<unsigned char> image2;
+ error = lodepng::decode(image2, w, h, state, png);
+ assertNoPNGError(error);
+ ASSERT_EQUALS(1, state.info_png.color.key_defined);
+ ASSERT_EQUALS(23, state.info_png.color.key_r);
+ ASSERT_EQUALS(0, state.info_png.color.key_g);
+ ASSERT_EQUALS(0, state.info_png.color.key_b);
+ ASSERT_EQUALS(image.size(), image2.size());
+ for(size_t i = 0; i < image.size(); i++)
+ {
+ ASSERT_EQUALS(image[i], image2[i]);
+ }
+unsigned char flipBit(unsigned char c, int bitpos)
+ return c ^ (1 << bitpos);
+//Test various broken inputs. Returned errors are not checked, what is tested is
+//that is doesn't crash, and, when run with valgrind, no memory warnings are
+void testFuzzing()
+ std::cout << "testFuzzing" << std::endl;
+ std::vector<unsigned char> png;
+ createComplexPNG(png);
+ std::vector<unsigned char> broken = png;
+ std::vector<unsigned char> result;
+ std::map<unsigned, unsigned> errors;
+ unsigned w, h;
+ for(size_t i = 0; i < png.size(); i++)
+ {
+ result.clear();
+ broken[i] = ~png[i];
+ errors[lodepng::decode(result, w, h, broken)]++;
+ broken[i] = 0;
+ errors[lodepng::decode(result, w, h, broken)]++;
+ for(int j = 0; j < 8; j++)
+ {
+ broken[i] = flipBit(png[i], j);
+ errors[lodepng::decode(result, w, h, broken)]++;
+ }
+ broken[i] = 255;
+ errors[lodepng::decode(result, w, h, broken)]++;
+ broken[i] = png[i]; //fix it again for the next test
+ }
+ std::cout << "testFuzzing shrinking" << std::endl;
+ broken = png;
+ while(broken.size() > 0)
+ {
+ broken.resize(broken.size() - 1);
+ errors[lodepng::decode(result, w, h, broken)]++;
+ }
+ //For fun, print the number of each error
+ std::cout << "Fuzzing error code counts: ";
+ for(std::map<unsigned, unsigned>::iterator it = errors.begin(); it != errors.end(); ++it)
+ {
+ std::cout << it->first << ":" << it->second << ", ";
+ }
+ std::cout << std::endl;
+void testCustomZlibCompress()
+ std::cout << "testCustomZlibCompress" << std::endl;
+ Image image;
+ generateTestImage(image, 5, 5, LCT_RGBA, 8);
+ std::vector<unsigned char> encoded;
+ int customcontext = 5;
+ struct TestFun {
+ static unsigned custom_zlib(unsigned char**, size_t*,
+ const unsigned char*, size_t,
+ const LodePNGCompressSettings* settings)
+ {
+ ASSERT_EQUALS(5, *(int*)(settings->custom_context));
+ return 5555; //return a custom error code to prove this function was called
+ }
+ };
+ lodepng::State state;
+ state.encoder.zlibsettings.custom_zlib = TestFun::custom_zlib;
+ state.encoder.zlibsettings.custom_context = &customcontext;
+ unsigned error = lodepng::encode(encoded,, image.width, image.height,
+ state);
+ ASSERT_EQUALS(5555, error);
+void testCustomZlibCompress2()
+ std::cout << "testCustomZlibCompress2" << std::endl;
+ Image image;
+ generateTestImage(image, 5, 5, LCT_RGBA, 8);
+ std::vector<unsigned char> encoded;
+ lodepng::State state;
+ state.encoder.zlibsettings.custom_zlib = lodepng_zlib_compress;
+ unsigned error = lodepng::encode(encoded,, image.width, image.height,
+ state);
+ assertNoPNGError(error);
+ std::vector<unsigned char> decoded;
+ unsigned w, h;
+ state.decoder.zlibsettings.ignore_adler32 = 0;
+ state.decoder.ignore_crc = 0;
+ error = lodepng::decode(decoded, w, h, state, encoded);
+ assertNoPNGError(error);
+void testCustomDeflate()
+ std::cout << "testCustomDeflate" << std::endl;
+ Image image;
+ generateTestImage(image, 5, 5, LCT_RGBA, 8);
+ std::vector<unsigned char> encoded;
+ int customcontext = 5;
+ struct TestFun {
+ static unsigned custom_deflate(unsigned char**, size_t*,
+ const unsigned char*, size_t,
+ const LodePNGCompressSettings* settings)
+ {
+ ASSERT_EQUALS(5, *(int*)(settings->custom_context));
+ return 5555; //return a custom error code to prove this function was called
+ }
+ };
+ lodepng::State state;
+ state.encoder.zlibsettings.custom_deflate = TestFun::custom_deflate;
+ state.encoder.zlibsettings.custom_context = &customcontext;
+ unsigned error = lodepng::encode(encoded,, image.width, image.height,
+ state);
+ ASSERT_EQUALS(5555, error);
+void testCustomZlibDecompress()
+ std::cout << "testCustomZlibDecompress" << std::endl;
+ Image image;
+ generateTestImage(image, 5, 5, LCT_RGBA, 8);
+ std::vector<unsigned char> encoded;
+ unsigned error_enc = lodepng::encode(encoded,, image.width, image.height,
+ image.colorType, image.bitDepth);
+ assertNoPNGError(error_enc, "encoder error not expected");
+ std::vector<unsigned char> decoded;
+ unsigned w, h;
+ int customcontext = 5;
+ struct TestFun {
+ static unsigned custom_zlib(unsigned char**, size_t*,
+ const unsigned char*, size_t,
+ const LodePNGDecompressSettings* settings)
+ {
+ ASSERT_EQUALS(5, *(int*)(settings->custom_context));
+ return 5555; //return a custom error code to prove this function was called
+ }
+ };
+ lodepng::State state;
+ state.decoder.zlibsettings.custom_zlib = TestFun::custom_zlib;
+ state.decoder.zlibsettings.custom_context = &customcontext;
+ state.decoder.zlibsettings.ignore_adler32 = 0;
+ state.decoder.ignore_crc = 0;
+ unsigned error = lodepng::decode(decoded, w, h, state, encoded);
+ ASSERT_EQUALS(5555, error);
+void testCustomInflate()
+ std::cout << "testCustomInflate" << std::endl;
+ Image image;
+ generateTestImage(image, 5, 5, LCT_RGBA, 8);
+ std::vector<unsigned char> encoded;
+ unsigned error_enc = lodepng::encode(encoded,, image.width, image.height,
+ image.colorType, image.bitDepth);
+ assertNoPNGError(error_enc, "encoder error not expected");
+ std::vector<unsigned char> decoded;
+ unsigned w, h;
+ int customcontext = 5;
+ struct TestFun {
+ static unsigned custom_inflate(unsigned char**, size_t*,
+ const unsigned char*, size_t,
+ const LodePNGDecompressSettings* settings)
+ {
+ ASSERT_EQUALS(5, *(int*)(settings->custom_context));
+ return 5555; //return a custom error code to prove this function was called
+ }
+ };
+ lodepng::State state;
+ state.decoder.zlibsettings.custom_inflate = TestFun::custom_inflate;
+ state.decoder.zlibsettings.custom_context = &customcontext;
+ state.decoder.zlibsettings.ignore_adler32 = 0;
+ state.decoder.ignore_crc = 0;
+ unsigned error = lodepng::decode(decoded, w, h, state, encoded);
+ ASSERT_EQUALS(5555, error);
+void doPngSuiteTinyTest(const std::string& base64, unsigned w, unsigned h,
+ unsigned char r, unsigned char g, unsigned char b, unsigned char a)
+ lodepng::State state;
+ std::vector<unsigned char> png;
+ fromBase64(png, base64);
+ unsigned w2, h2;
+ std::vector<unsigned char> image;
+ unsigned error = lodepng::decode(image, w2, h2, state, png);
+ assertNoPNGError(error);
+ ASSERT_EQUALS((int)r, (int)image[0]);
+ ASSERT_EQUALS((int)g, (int)image[1]);
+ ASSERT_EQUALS((int)b, (int)image[2]);
+ ASSERT_EQUALS((int)a, (int)image[3]);
+ state.encoder.auto_convert = false;
+ std::vector<unsigned char> png2;
+ error = lodepng::encode(png2, image, w, h, state);
+ assertNoPNGError(error);
+ std::vector<unsigned char> image2;
+ error = lodepng::decode(image2, w2, h2, state, png2);
+ assertNoPNGError(error);
+ for(size_t i = 0; i < image.size(); i++) ASSERT_EQUALS(image[i], image2[i]);
+/*checks that both png suite images have the exact same pixel content, e.g. to check that
+it decodes an interlaced and non-interlaced corresponding png suite image equally*/
+void doPngSuiteEqualTest(const std::string& base64a, const std::string& base64b)
+ lodepng::State state;
+ std::vector<unsigned char> pnga, pngb;
+ fromBase64(pnga, base64a);
+ fromBase64(pngb, base64b);
+ unsigned wa, ha, wb, hb;
+ std::vector<unsigned char> imagea, imageb;
+ assertNoPNGError(lodepng::decode(imagea, wa, ha, state, pnga));
+ assertNoPNGError(lodepng::decode(imageb, wb, hb, state, pngb));
+ ASSERT_EQUALS(wa, wb);
+ ASSERT_EQUALS(ha, hb);
+ size_t size = wa * ha * 4;
+ for(size_t i = 0; i < size; i++)
+ {
+ if(imagea[i] != imageb[i])
+ {
+ std::cout << "x: " << ((i / 4) % wa) << " y: " << ((i / 4) / wa) << " c: " << i % 4 << std::endl;
+ ASSERT_EQUALS((int)imagea[i], (int)imageb[i]);
+ }
+ }
+void testPngSuiteTiny()
+ std::cout << "testPngSuiteTiny" << std::endl;
+ 1, 1, 0, 0, 255, 255); //s01n3p01.png
+ 1, 1, 0, 0, 255, 255); //s01i3p01.png
+ "BAQEd/i1owAAAAxQTFRF/wB3AP93//8AAAD/G0OznAAAABpJREFUeJxj+P+H4WoMw605DDfmgEgg"
+ 7, 7, 0, 0, 255, 255); //s07n3p02.png
+ 7, 7, 0, 0, 255, 255); //s07i3p02.png
+ 32, 32, 0, 0, 255, 255); //basn3p02.png
+ "7v8iImb/bBrSJgAAABVJREFUeJxj4AcCBjTiAxCgEwOkDgC7Hz/Bk4JmWQAAAABJRU5ErkJggg==",
+ 32, 32, 238, 255, 34, 255); //basn3p01.png
+ "eJzV0jEKwDAMQ1E5W+9/xtygk8AoezLVKgSj2Y8/OICnuFcTE2OgOoJgHQiZAN2C9kDKBOgW3AZC"
+ 32, 32, 0, 0, 0, 255); //basn0g16.png
+ "eJy1kTsOwjAQRMdJCqj4XYHD5DAcj1Okyg2okCyBRLOSC0BDERKCI7xJVmgaa/X8PFo7oESJEtka"
+ "TeLDjdjjgCMe7eTE96FGd3AL7HvZsdNEaJMVo0GNGm775bgwW6Afj/SAjAY+JsYNXIHtz2xYxTXi"
+ "/dup3LVFa1HXmA61LY59f6Ygp1Eg1gZGQaBRILYGdxoFYmtAGgXx9YmCfPD+RMHwuuAFVpjuiRT/"
+ 32, 32, 0, 0, 0, 255); //basi0g16.png
+ //s01n3p01.png s01i3p01.png
+ //s07n3p02.png and s07i3p02.png
+ "BAQEd/i1owAAAAxQTFRF/wB3AP93//8AAAD/G0OznAAAABpJREFUeJxj+P+H4WoMw605DDfmgEgg"
+ //basn0g16.png and basi0g16.png
+ "eJzV0jEKwDAMQ1E5W+9/xtygk8AoezLVKgSj2Y8/OICnuFcTE2OgOoJgHQiZAN2C9kDKBOgW3AZC"
+ "eJy1kTsOwjAQRMdJCqj4XYHD5DAcj1Okyg2okCyBRLOSC0BDERKCI7xJVmgaa/X8PFo7oESJEtka"
+ "TeLDjdjjgCMe7eTE96FGd3AL7HvZsdNEaJMVo0GNGm775bgwW6Afj/SAjAY+JsYNXIHtz2xYxTXi"
+ "/dup3LVFa1HXmA61LY59f6Ygp1Eg1gZGQaBRILYGdxoFYmtAGgXx9YmCfPD+RMHwuuAFVpjuiRT/"
+void testChunkUtil()
+ std::cout << "testChunkUtil" << std::endl;
+ std::vector<unsigned char> png;
+ createComplexPNG(png);
+ std::vector<std::string> names[3];
+ std::vector<std::vector<unsigned char> > chunks[3];
+ assertNoError(lodepng::getChunks(names, chunks, png));
+ std::vector<std::vector<unsigned char> > chunks2[3];
+ chunks2[0].push_back(chunks[2][2]); //zTXt
+ chunks2[1].push_back(chunks[2][3]); //tEXt
+ chunks2[2].push_back(chunks[2][4]); //iTXt
+ assertNoError(lodepng::insertChunks(png, chunks2));
+ std::string chunknames = extractChunkNames(png);
+ // chunks2[0] chunks2[1] chunks2[2]
+ // v v v
+ std::string expectednames = " IHDR uNKa uNKa zTXt PLTE tRNS bKGD pHYs uNKb tEXt IDAT tIME zTXt zTXt tEXt iTXt iTXt uNKc iTXt IEND";
+ ASSERT_EQUALS(expectednames, chunknames);
+ std::vector<unsigned char> image;
+ unsigned w, h;
+ assertNoPNGError(lodepng::decode(image, w, h, png));
+//Test that when decoding to 16-bit per channel, it always uses big endian consistently.
+//It should always output big endian, the convention used inside of PNG, even though x86 CPU's are little endian.
+void test16bitColorEndianness()
+ std::cout << "test16bitColorEndianness" << std::endl;
+ //basn0g16.png from the PNG test suite
+ "eJzV0jEKwDAMQ1E5W+9/xtygk8AoezLVKgSj2Y8/OICnuFcTE2OgOoJgHQiZAN2C9kDKBOgW3AZC"
+ std::vector<unsigned char> png;
+ fromBase64(png, base64);
+ unsigned w, h;
+ std::vector<unsigned char> image;
+ lodepng::State state;
+ // Decode from 16-bit grey image to 16-bit per channel RGBA
+ state.info_raw.bitdepth = 16;
+ assertNoPNGError(lodepng::decode(image, w, h, state, png));
+ ASSERT_EQUALS(0x09, image[8]);
+ ASSERT_EQUALS(0x00, image[9]);
+ // Decode from 16-bit grey image to 16-bit grey raw image (no conversion)
+ image.clear();
+ state = lodepng::State();
+ state.decoder.color_convert = false;
+ assertNoPNGError(lodepng::decode(image, w, h, state, png));
+ ASSERT_EQUALS(0x09, image[2]);
+ ASSERT_EQUALS(0x00, image[3]);
+ // Decode from 16-bit per channel RGB image to 16-bit per channel RGBA
+ "DQ0N0DeNwQAAAH5JREFUeJztl8ENxEAIAwcJ6cpI+q8qKeNepAgelq2dCjz4AdQM1jRcf3WIDQ13"
+ "qUNsiBBQZ1gR0cARUFIz3pug3586wo5+rOcfIaBOsCSggSOgpcB8D4D3R9DgfUyECIhDbAhp4Ajo"
+ "KPD+CBq8P4IG72MiQkCdYUVEA0dAyQcwUyZpXH92ZwAAAABJRU5ErkJggg=="; //cs3n2c16.png
+ png.clear();
+ fromBase64(png, base64);
+ image.clear();
+ state = lodepng::State();
+ state.info_raw.bitdepth = 16;
+ assertNoPNGError(lodepng::decode(image, w, h, state, png));
+ ASSERT_EQUALS(0x1f, image[258]);
+ ASSERT_EQUALS(0xf9, image[259]);
+ // Decode from 16-bit per channel RGB image to 16-bit per channel RGBA raw image (no conversion)
+ image.clear();
+ state = lodepng::State();
+ state.decoder.color_convert = false;
+ assertNoPNGError(lodepng::decode(image, w, h, state, png));
+ ASSERT_EQUALS(0x1f, image[194]);
+ ASSERT_EQUALS(0xf9, image[195]);
+ image.clear();
+ state = lodepng::State();
+ // Decode from palette image to 16-bit per channel RGBA
+ "BAQEd/i1owAAAAxQTFRF/wB3AP93//8AAAD/G0OznAAAABpJREFUeJxj+P+H4WoMw605DDfmgEgg"
+ "+/8fAHF5CrkeXW0HAAAAAElFTkSuQmCC"; //s07n3p02.png
+ png.clear();
+ fromBase64(png, base64);
+ image.clear();
+ state = lodepng::State();
+ state.info_raw.bitdepth = 16;
+ assertNoPNGError(lodepng::decode(image, w, h, state, png));
+ ASSERT_EQUALS(0x77, image[84]);
+ ASSERT_EQUALS(0x77, image[85]);
+void testPredefinedFilters() {
+ size_t w = 32, h = 32;
+ std::cout << "testPredefinedFilters" << std::endl;
+ Image image;
+ generateTestImage(image, w, h, LCT_RGBA, 8);
+ // everything to filter type '3'
+ std::vector<unsigned char> predefined(h, 3);
+ lodepng::State state;
+ state.encoder.filter_strategy = LFS_PREDEFINED;
+ state.encoder.filter_palette_zero = 0;
+ state.encoder.predefined_filters = &predefined[0];
+ std::vector<unsigned char> png;
+ unsigned error = lodepng::encode(png, &[0], w, h, state);
+ assertNoError(error);
+ std::vector<unsigned char> outfilters;
+ error = lodepng::getFilterTypes(outfilters, png);
+ assertNoError(error);
+ ASSERT_EQUALS(outfilters.size(), h);
+ for (size_t i = 0; i < h; i++) ASSERT_EQUALS(3, outfilters[i]);
+void testWrongWindowSizeGivesError() {
+ std::vector<unsigned char> png;
+ unsigned w = 32, h = 32;
+ Image image;
+ generateTestImage(image, w, h);
+ unsigned error = 0;
+ lodepng::State state;
+ state.encoder.zlibsettings.windowsize = 0;
+ error = lodepng::encode(png, &[0], w, h, state);
+ ASSERT_EQUALS(60, error);
+ state.encoder.zlibsettings.windowsize = 65536;
+ error = lodepng::encode(png, &[0], w, h, state);
+ ASSERT_EQUALS(60, error);
+ state.encoder.zlibsettings.windowsize = 1000; // not power of two
+ error = lodepng::encode(png, &[0], w, h, state);
+ ASSERT_EQUALS(90, error);
+ state.encoder.zlibsettings.windowsize = 256;
+ error = lodepng::encode(png, &[0], w, h, state);
+ ASSERT_EQUALS(0, error);
+void addColor(std::vector<unsigned char>& colors, unsigned char r, unsigned char g, unsigned char b, unsigned char a)
+ colors.push_back(r);
+ colors.push_back(g);
+ colors.push_back(b);
+ colors.push_back(a);
+void addColor16(std::vector<unsigned char>& colors, unsigned short r, unsigned short g, unsigned short b, unsigned short a)
+ colors.push_back(r & 255);
+ colors.push_back((r >> 8) & 255);
+ colors.push_back(g & 255);
+ colors.push_back((g >> 8) & 255);
+ colors.push_back(b & 255);
+ colors.push_back((b >> 8) & 255);
+ colors.push_back(a & 255);
+ colors.push_back((a >> 8) & 255);
+// colors is in RGBA, inbitdepth must be 8 or 16, the amount of bits per channel.
+// colortype and bitdepth are the expected values. insize is amount of pixels. So the amount of bytes is insize * 4 * (inbitdepth / 8)
+void testAutoColorModel(const std::vector<unsigned char>& colors, unsigned inbitdepth, LodePNGColorType colortype, unsigned bitdepth, bool key)
+ std::cout << "testAutoColorModel " << inbitdepth << " " << colortype << " " << bitdepth << " " << key << std::endl;
+ size_t innum = colors.size() / 4 * inbitdepth / 8;
+ size_t num = innum < 65536 ? 65536 : innum; // Make image bigger so the convert doesn't avoid palette due to small image.
+ std::vector<unsigned char> colors2(num * 4 * (inbitdepth / 8));
+ for(size_t i = 0; i < colors2.size(); i++) colors2[i] = colors[i % colors.size()];
+ std::vector<unsigned char> png;
+ lodepng::encode(png, colors2, num, 1, LCT_RGBA, inbitdepth);
+ // now extract the color type it chose
+ unsigned w, h;
+ lodepng::State state;
+ std::vector<unsigned char> decoded;
+ lodepng::decode(decoded, w, h, state, png);
+ ASSERT_EQUALS(num, w);
+ ASSERT_EQUALS(colortype, state.info_png.color.colortype);
+ ASSERT_EQUALS(bitdepth, state.info_png.color.bitdepth);
+ ASSERT_EQUALS(key, state.info_png.color.key_defined);
+ if(inbitdepth == 8) { for(size_t i = 0; i < colors.size(); i++) ASSERT_EQUALS(colors[i], decoded[i]); }
+ else { for(size_t i = 0; i < colors.size() / 2; i++) ASSERT_EQUALS(colors[i * 2], decoded[i]); }
+void testAutoColorModels()
+ std::vector<unsigned char> grey1;
+ for(size_t i = 0; i < 2; i++) addColor(grey1, i * 255, i * 255, i * 255, 255);
+ testAutoColorModel(grey1, 8, LCT_GREY, 1, false);
+ std::vector<unsigned char> grey2;
+ for(size_t i = 0; i < 4; i++) addColor(grey2, i * 85, i * 85, i * 85, 255);
+ testAutoColorModel(grey2, 8, LCT_GREY, 2, false);
+ std::vector<unsigned char> grey4;
+ for(size_t i = 0; i < 16; i++) addColor(grey4, i * 17, i * 17, i * 17, 255);
+ testAutoColorModel(grey4, 8, LCT_GREY, 4, false);
+ std::vector<unsigned char> grey8;
+ for(size_t i = 0; i < 256; i++) addColor(grey8, i, i, i, 255);
+ testAutoColorModel(grey8, 8, LCT_GREY, 8, false);
+ std::vector<unsigned char> grey16;
+ for(size_t i = 0; i < 257; i++) addColor16(grey16, i, i, i, 65535);
+ testAutoColorModel(grey16, 16, LCT_GREY, 16, false);
+ std::vector<unsigned char> palette;
+ addColor(palette, 0, 0, 1, 255);
+ testAutoColorModel(palette, 8, LCT_PALETTE, 1, false);
+ addColor(palette, 0, 0, 2, 255);
+ testAutoColorModel(palette, 8, LCT_PALETTE, 1, false);
+ for(int i = 3; i <= 4; i++) addColor(palette, 0, 0, i, 255);
+ testAutoColorModel(palette, 8, LCT_PALETTE, 2, false);
+ for(int i = 5; i <= 7; i++) addColor(palette, 0, 0, i, 255);
+ testAutoColorModel(palette, 8, LCT_PALETTE, 4, false);
+ for(int i = 8; i <= 17; i++) addColor(palette, 0, 0, i, 255);
+ testAutoColorModel(palette, 8, LCT_PALETTE, 8, false);
+ addColor(palette, 0, 0, 18, 0); // transparent
+ testAutoColorModel(palette, 8, LCT_PALETTE, 8, false);
+ addColor(palette, 0, 0, 18, 1); // translucent
+ testAutoColorModel(palette, 8, LCT_PALETTE, 8, false);
+ std::vector<unsigned char> rgb = grey8;
+ addColor(rgb, 255, 0, 0, 255);
+ testAutoColorModel(rgb, 8, LCT_RGB, 8, false);
+ std::vector<unsigned char> rgb_key = rgb;
+ addColor(rgb_key, 128, 0, 0, 0);
+ testAutoColorModel(rgb_key, 8, LCT_RGB, 8, true);
+ std::vector<unsigned char> rgb_key2 = rgb_key;
+ addColor(rgb_key2, 128, 0, 0, 255); // same color but opaque ==> no more key
+ testAutoColorModel(rgb_key2, 8, LCT_RGBA, 8, false);
+ std::vector<unsigned char> rgb_key3 = rgb_key;
+ addColor(rgb_key3, 128, 0, 0, 255); // semi-translucent ==> no more key
+ testAutoColorModel(rgb_key3, 8, LCT_RGBA, 8, false);
+ std::vector<unsigned char> rgb_key4 = rgb_key;
+ addColor(rgb_key4, 128, 0, 0, 255);
+ addColor(rgb_key4, 129, 0, 0, 255); // two different transparent colors ==> no more key
+ testAutoColorModel(rgb_key4, 8, LCT_RGBA, 8, false);
+ std::vector<unsigned char> grey1_key = grey1;
+ grey1_key[7] = 0;
+ testAutoColorModel(grey1_key, 8, LCT_GREY, 1, true);
+ std::vector<unsigned char> grey2_key = grey2;
+ grey2_key[7] = 0;
+ testAutoColorModel(grey2_key, 8, LCT_GREY, 2, true);
+ std::vector<unsigned char> grey4_key = grey4;
+ grey4_key[7] = 0;
+ testAutoColorModel(grey4_key, 8, LCT_GREY, 4, true);
+ std::vector<unsigned char> grey8_key = grey8;
+ grey8_key[7] = 0;
+ testAutoColorModel(grey8_key, 8, LCT_GREY, 8, true);
+ std::vector<unsigned char> small16;
+ addColor16(small16, 1, 0, 0, 65535);
+ testAutoColorModel(small16, 16, LCT_RGB, 16, false);
+ std::vector<unsigned char> small16a;
+ addColor16(small16a, 1, 0, 0, 1);
+ testAutoColorModel(small16a, 16, LCT_RGBA, 16, false);
+ std::vector<unsigned char> not16;
+ addColor16(not16, 257, 257, 257, 0);
+ testAutoColorModel(not16, 16, LCT_PALETTE, 1, false);
+void doMain()
+ //PNG
+ testPNGCodec();
+ testPngSuiteTiny();
+ testPaletteFilterTypesZero();
+ testComplexPNG();
+ testPredefinedFilters();
+ testFuzzing();
+ testWrongWindowSizeGivesError();
+ //Colors
+ testColorKeyConvert();
+ testColorConvert();
+ testColorConvert2();
+ testPaletteToPaletteConvert();
+ testRGBToPaletteConvert();
+ test16bitColorEndianness();
+ testAutoColorModels();
+ //Zlib
+ testCompressZlib();
+ testHuffmanCodeLengths();
+ testCustomZlibCompress();
+ testCustomZlibCompress2();
+ testCustomDeflate();
+ testCustomZlibDecompress();
+ testCustomInflate();
+ //lodepng_util
+ testChunkUtil();
+ std::cout << "\ntest successful" << std::endl;
+int main()
+ try
+ {
+ doMain();
+ }
+ catch(...)
+ {
+ std::cout << "error!" << std::endl;
+ }
+ return 0;