path: root/src
diff options
mode: <>2012-10-31 04:47:17 +0000 <>2012-10-31 04:47:17 +0000
commit09f9ab079e952853fe0f5ed61657f285a2fcd577 (patch)
treefd0b29876689d62445868f0e446366b26a72f271 /src
parent68d533a8287650030265beab8949c76be3493279 (diff)
Adjust parsing so that it is possible to parse a document fragment into an existing subtree; can be used to implement append_buffer.
git-svn-id: 99668b35-9821-0410-8761-19e4c4f06640
Diffstat (limited to 'src')
2 files changed, 47 insertions, 44 deletions
diff --git a/src/pugixml.cpp b/src/pugixml.cpp
index 03a4b9f..168ca0a 100644
--- a/src/pugixml.cpp
+++ b/src/pugixml.cpp
@@ -2380,13 +2380,13 @@ PUGI__NS_BEGIN
return s;
- char_t* parse(char_t* s, xml_node_struct* xmldoc, unsigned int optmsk, char_t endch)
+ char_t* parse(char_t* s, xml_node_struct* root, unsigned int optmsk, char_t endch)
strconv_attribute_t strconv_attribute = get_strconv_attribute(optmsk);
strconv_pcdata_t strconv_pcdata = get_strconv_pcdata(optmsk);
char_t ch = 0;
- xml_node_struct* cursor = xmldoc;
+ xml_node_struct* cursor = root;
char_t* mark = s;
while (*s != 0)
@@ -2606,36 +2606,37 @@ PUGI__NS_BEGIN
// check that last tag is closed
- if (cursor != xmldoc) PUGI__THROW_ERROR(status_end_element_mismatch, s);
+ if (cursor != root) PUGI__THROW_ERROR(status_end_element_mismatch, s);
return s;
- static xml_parse_result parse(char_t* buffer, size_t length, xml_node_struct* root, unsigned int optmsk)
+ static xml_parse_result parse(char_t* buffer, size_t length, xml_document_struct* xmldoc, xml_node_struct* root, unsigned int optmsk)
- xml_document_struct* xmldoc = static_cast<xml_document_struct*>(root);
+ // allocator object is a part of document object
+ xml_allocator& alloc = *static_cast<xml_allocator*>(xmldoc);
// store buffer for offset_debug
- xmldoc->buffer = buffer;
+ if (xmldoc == root) xmldoc->buffer = buffer;
// early-out for empty documents
if (length == 0) return make_parse_result(status_ok);
// create parser on stack
- xml_parser parser(*xmldoc);
+ xml_parser parser(alloc);
// save last character and make buffer zero-terminated (speeds up parsing)
char_t endch = buffer[length - 1];
buffer[length - 1] = 0;
// perform actual parsing
- parser.parse(buffer, xmldoc, optmsk, endch);
+ parser.parse(buffer, root, optmsk, endch);
xml_parse_result result = make_parse_result(parser.error_status, parser.error_offset ? parser.error_offset - buffer : 0);
assert(result.offset >= 0 && static_cast<size_t>(result.offset) <= length);
// update allocator state
- *static_cast<xml_allocator*>(xmldoc) = parser.alloc;
+ alloc = parser.alloc;
// since we removed last character, we have to handle the only possible false positive
if (result && endch == '<')
@@ -3650,6 +3651,35 @@ PUGI__NS_BEGIN
return result == 0;
+ PUGI__FN xml_parse_result load_buffer_impl(xml_document_struct* doc, xml_node_struct* root, void* contents, size_t size, unsigned int options, xml_encoding encoding, bool is_mutable, bool own, char_t** out_buffer)
+ {
+ // check input buffer
+ assert(contents || size == 0);
+ // get actual encoding
+ xml_encoding buffer_encoding = impl::get_buffer_encoding(encoding, contents, size);
+ // get private buffer
+ char_t* buffer = 0;
+ size_t length = 0;
+ if (!impl::convert_buffer(buffer, length, buffer_encoding, contents, size, is_mutable)) return impl::make_parse_result(status_out_of_memory);
+ // delete original buffer if we performed a conversion
+ if (own && buffer != contents && contents) impl::xml_memory::deallocate(contents);
+ // parse
+ xml_parse_result res = impl::xml_parser::parse(buffer, length, doc, root, options);
+ // remember encoding
+ res.encoding = buffer_encoding;
+ // grab onto buffer if it's our buffer, user is responsible for deallocating contents himself
+ if (own || buffer != contents) *out_buffer = buffer;
+ return res;
+ }
namespace pugi
@@ -5224,50 +5254,25 @@ namespace pugi
return impl::load_file_impl(*this, file, options, encoding);
- PUGI__FN xml_parse_result xml_document::load_buffer_impl(void* contents, size_t size, unsigned int options, xml_encoding encoding, bool is_mutable, bool own)
+ PUGI__FN xml_parse_result xml_document::load_buffer(const void* contents, size_t size, unsigned int options, xml_encoding encoding)
- // check input buffer
- assert(contents || size == 0);
- // get actual encoding
- xml_encoding buffer_encoding = impl::get_buffer_encoding(encoding, contents, size);
- // get private buffer
- char_t* buffer = 0;
- size_t length = 0;
- if (!impl::convert_buffer(buffer, length, buffer_encoding, contents, size, is_mutable)) return impl::make_parse_result(status_out_of_memory);
- // delete original buffer if we performed a conversion
- if (own && buffer != contents && contents) impl::xml_memory::deallocate(contents);
- // parse
- xml_parse_result res = impl::xml_parser::parse(buffer, length, _root, options);
- // remember encoding
- res.encoding = buffer_encoding;
- // grab onto buffer if it's our buffer, user is responsible for deallocating contens himself
- if (own || buffer != contents) _buffer = buffer;
- return res;
- }
- PUGI__FN xml_parse_result xml_document::load_buffer(const void* contents, size_t size, unsigned int options, xml_encoding encoding)
- {
- return load_buffer_impl(const_cast<void*>(contents), size, options, encoding, false, false);
+ return load_buffer_impl(static_cast<impl::xml_document_struct*>(_root), _root, const_cast<void*>(contents), size, options, encoding, false, false, &_buffer);
PUGI__FN xml_parse_result xml_document::load_buffer_inplace(void* contents, size_t size, unsigned int options, xml_encoding encoding)
- return load_buffer_impl(contents, size, options, encoding, true, false);
+ reset();
+ return load_buffer_impl(static_cast<impl::xml_document_struct*>(_root), _root, contents, size, options, encoding, true, false, &_buffer);
PUGI__FN xml_parse_result xml_document::load_buffer_inplace_own(void* contents, size_t size, unsigned int options, xml_encoding encoding)
- return load_buffer_impl(contents, size, options, encoding, true, true);
+ reset();
+ return load_buffer_impl(static_cast<impl::xml_document_struct*>(_root), _root, contents, size, options, encoding, true, true, &_buffer);
PUGI__FN void xml_document::save(xml_writer& writer, const char_t* indent, unsigned int flags, xml_encoding encoding) const
diff --git a/src/pugixml.hpp b/src/pugixml.hpp
index 898cadc..4ca5197 100644
--- a/src/pugixml.hpp
+++ b/src/pugixml.hpp
@@ -861,8 +861,6 @@ namespace pugi
void create();
void destroy();
- xml_parse_result load_buffer_impl(void* contents, size_t size, unsigned int options, xml_encoding encoding, bool is_mutable, bool own);
// Default constructor, makes empty document